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Share your quitting journey


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I already knew, going to the smoke shop, that it was a good day for a relapse (2 days clean! Yay!). 

I’ve been bored, my life is hard, I couldn’t see my friends, my life sucks, I’m broke, etc. My mind was going full apologia, debate taught me junkie rationalizations. 

I made it 1/3 through a Black & Mild before I tapped out. I called everyone on the way, saw stores I could stop at to distract me from my journey and still I persevered in killing myself. I ran like 5 red lights on the way there, hoping a bicycle crash would stop me from getting to the smoke shop. But it didn’t, god was on my side, and if there’s something up there it was telling me it was my choice. 

I made it 1/3 of the way through before I stomped it out and cursed myself. I even reset my quit date on the way to the store. 

It’s a journey I can keep going on. I knew failing would make me taste ash, but I can still make it clean. And I will. 

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About the Author
From the San Francisco Bay Area, in my late teens/early 20s. Going to college in a sleepy Bay Area town, trying to find my passion and keep the world moving, making sure global warming doesn't cut lives short. I don't really miss nicotine all that much... usually. Not sure why "cigarettes smoked per day" won't allow you to select a different nicotine delivery device, but I started out Juuling, smoked the occasional cigarette and was always a fan of smoking Black & Milds. Would generally Juul about a pod a day, probably had 10-20 cigarettes a day worth of nicotine. Switched to cigarettes and would smoke about 10 a day after that.