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Share your quitting journey

Patience and preservence along with willingness, determination and total commitment is what gives us a life of Freedom!

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Hey it's Friday the 13th and if you are reading this and haven't quit yet wouldn't today be a great day to do so? or at least keep reading and maybe pick a date to take back your life. Quitting smoking is worth all of the withdrawals, mood swings and roller coaster ups and downs to be FREE from the clutches of the cancer sticks, quitting is feeling like you might crawl out of your skin every so often in the first few days and possibly wks but we all know what a powerful addiction that we're dealing with but it doesn't last long and it won't kill you either but continuing to smoke can, I smoked for 40 yrs and there's quite a few Exers here that smoked for 50 or more yrs and we all decided to quit playing Russian Roulette with our lives. I know for me once I found out that I have mild copd, I finally realized that I wasn't invincible, so join us on this quit smoking journey and get through the struggles and mood swings to come out the other side smiling and start reaping the benefits of an Ex Smoker, it might take 3 or possibly 4 months or maybe a little longer or even a little less but I can tell you that each day you get through is another day WON and I'm at a good place in my quit where I can say that life is grand without a cigarette in hand! 


About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....