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Dear Ex Family, 

I have not been on and so much has happened since I was last on. I am happy to report that I am now over two years smoke-free and tomorrow will be my 735the day or 2 years and 5 days. But as awesome as that is, I found my way back in desperate need of my EX community families help with something quite serious.

I have moved my mother out here to be with us and since being with us she had fallen in my home several times and rehabilitated and brought back home, well now she has been in her second nursing home and I am struggling getting her certain things that she is in desperate need of. She is a military Air Force veteran and the VA and affiliates and her insurance will not cover these things that I am trying to get in place for her.  She has had several cancer spots worked on and removed as she is in quite a bit of pain, and was hospitalized for falling out of her bed recently also.

Her brother is causing all kinds of problems for me, he has assumed both financial attorney. I am trying desperately to get her the help of a senior care specialist pharmacist to work directly with her doctors and lower the amount of medicines that she consumes daily and save her kidneys from failing completely and also improve her blood pressure, reduce the water on her limbs. She can also help my mom lose weight.

I have to pay out of pocket for these services in an attempt to improve moms quality of life. I am also trying to get a portable ramp in case we should have to move we can get her in our care down the line. I am also trying to get a down payment (at the very least) for a wheel chair van (a used one is $44,000) so we can make her an active part of our family activities and outings to enjoy with us.

I have tried getting help for a fundraiser on me a PM if you would be kind enough to donate anything) and posting it on Facebook. I have had a whole lot of people say they would love to help and will share but cannot spare a single dollar to help improve and save a life who is near and dear to me. Later they are posting all kinds of nice things they just got. I simply think they don't want to but lie saying they can't to cushion the blow. (Am I the only one that can't stand being deceived and lied to?)

It really hurts, I want truly truly truly want to help my mom and my family refuses to help me and are just waiting for her to die I guess, they say they don't want to get involved. Other people (Haters) are messaging me hate letters saying, "Oh, just let her die already!!!" She is only just 65 years old and not on hospice nor needing to be and has a fighting chance and I am trying be a good daughter for mom. I am really struggling trying to protect my quit and am so blessed to have made it this far.

If we ALL helped with a single dollar, it could help soooooo much and be an answer to my prayers for her. I refuse to just let her get worse when I have a real opportunity to help get her better. My goal is $15,000 and since July I have raised only $110 not really enough to make any good headway on this. 

Would any my ex family consider helping me reach my goal even with a single dollar? It is going to a very good cause and improving my mothers quality of life and also protecting my quit. Any help is better than none. Please don't hate me for asking. Would you do the same for a dear friend or family member too? Please put yourself in my shoes. Thank you for taking the time to read this and your thoughtful consideration!!! 

I will be more than happy to post updates on her improvements if any of you would want to know as things progress further along. Many thank yous and lots of love to ALL OF YOU!!!!

If you have any questions or want the link, please message me. 


I hope my little bit helps.  So glad you've kept your quit, and I have to say, being a caregiver is one of the hardest jobs in the world.  You have my admiration as well as good thoughts coming your way.


Your uncle cannot assume financial and medical power of attorney.  Your mother would have had to haven given it to him.  If she is of sound mind, she could rescind that and give it to you.  If not you, you could try for a guardianship where you become the guardian.  If you mother is unwilling to rescind the poa and its on the up and up, send a letter to uncle informing him that you are pay out of pocket for x y and z and expect to be compensated.  If he fails ot compensate you then sue him.  Depending on your state you might have to sue your mother and then bring him in as a thrid party defendant.  Talk to a lawyer in your state about it.

good luck.


@robertclark302 I am going based on what I know and am in the process trying to find a lawyer to defend my mother and get back what he has misappropriated from her already.


Sally I surely do understand your position my Dad gave power of attorney to a friend of the family and it was disasterous ! It caused so many problems I can't even get into explaining all of it !

I am so sorry you are gong through this and i am also sorry I cannot help you financially at this time as I am barely getting by myself .

Going back to smoking certainly will not change what you are going through and with the added cost of cigarettes you would be worse off financially !

Hang in there i will pray for you and your Mom I am even older then her !  I am annoyed with the medical profession right now the meds given to so many of us are killing people ( My opin  ) Just was put on BP med that i read can shrink your brain in just 5 years !  I am going yo go thr natural route !


I cannot send much but I hope it helps.  Please keep your quit and do everything you can to get POA and/or guardianship.  That is just awful.

Do keep us in the loop,


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Donated to your fund. We're thinking about you and your mom's recovery!

EX Community Manager


Carolyn I love you and am always there as I have been for over two years. I will be praying for you and your mom and family continuously. 

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How are things mustangsally7705‌?

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