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Share your quitting journey

One week down!

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Hey all!

I just finished up my first week. Here are some of my thoughts and findings:

1. First week was DIFFICULT. Lots of negative emotions and hardships. Generally I felt down, out-of-it, and irritated. Day 3-4 were the hardest.

2. Saturday and Sunday (day 5 & 6), I felt almost ZERO cravings! I was taking a lifeguard/CPR/aed certification class for my upcoming job and that kept my mind busy from 6am-6pm both days of the weekend. I've found that I feel the most normal when I'm exercising (or in hot water/sauna), and I don't really think about vaping.

3. My throat hurts! I've read that it's because my body is healing the cells that I'd been damaging for the last few years, so I have a minor cough and sore throat.

4. I was worried that deprivation from this chemical I had been abusing for a long time would make me unpleasant to those around me. But during this lifeguard class I made a lot of friends and felt like my true extroverted self! I don't need nicotine to be happy and make other people smile and laugh! It's great to realize that. 

5. I made a social media post about quitting vaping. To my surprise, a lot of folks (friends + acquaintances) messaged me giving their support! That really motivated me to keep going strong. This journey is mainly for me, but it helps knowing that other people who care about me also want me to improve and succeed. Also I'm so grateful for this EX community, everyone here is so supportive - thank you from the bottom of my heart.

6. Some more positives 🙂 I feel less jittery. My cravings are slowly lessening. My breathing feels stronger. I don't have extra mucus in my throat like I used to. This one is hard to find the words for, but I feel more "one with myself" - for instance I was in the car noticing things around me that I normally overlook, thinking about my inner emotions; not vaping is giving me more time to be introspective and learn exactly who I am and who I'm supposed to become. I'm drinking more tea. I'm exercising more. I'm having more dreams. Etc. Etc.

7. Overall, this is a good thing. Giving up that consistent dopamine rush is making me appreciate more things in my life. Now I have to go out and DO THINGS and keep myself occupied. It's wonderful! I'm learning more everyday and it's only getting easier. I feel strong. 

Anyways, love you all. Thanks for reading if you stuck through this big post.


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About the Author
I’m 22 years old and I graduated from undergrad in May. Recently got hired and I'm moving to St. Thomas in the USVI in early December! My favorite hobbies right now are windsurfing, inline skating, and when I move onto the island I'm going to pursue learning how to wave surf. Wish me luck!