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One month today

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Wow, I made it through a month. I am going to go to the next size or dosage of my patch. I’m a little nervous of what to expect but I got on the scale this morning and I gained 8 pounds. I’m not eating anymore. I know I’m not smoking rev up your Metabolism and then it slows when you quit guidance on this 


@Donnamoryc yea for one month!!

I was fortunate that I only put on around 6-10 pounds both times i quit. But I am an avid walker/biker and I walked and walked instead of smoking on the early days. The weight will come off if you work at it and eat healthy. the BIGGEST is the weight can come off and if it does not that is a small price as the damage from smoking may or may not be reversed


Thank you so much for your reply. Any advice is welcome.


@Donnamoryc Congrats on one month. Follow the instructions for the patch and you'll do fine.

I won't comment on the weight gain--have a very different experience with exercise and not eating.



I'm not trying to sell you on anything in particular but several months into my quit I downloaded the JustFit app on my phone and I started working out every day or most days. It lets you tailor excersize accoriding to your ability and how much time you want to spend. You can work out in a chair, in bed, on a yoga mat, or with weights I think. I like that I can work out at home without a lot of equipment and whether it's 15 mins, 55 mins, or walking a few miles, doing something is a good for the body and the mind. There are plenty of apps out there. JustFit was like $40 for a whole year and I figured that's pretty reasonable considering what I'd spent on smoking slow suicide for the last 30 years. I hope you find something that works for you! 


Gaining weight is a given for a lot of us. One priority at a time! Don't stress out over a few pounds right now. 


@Donnamoryc There are definitely things you can do to support your metabolic health. Here are some:

1. Make sure you have plenty of protein in your diet (this can be a challenge if you're vegan or vegetarian--if you are, use lentils, black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans). If you like fish, this is an especially good protein for metabolic health, particularly salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel. If you like dairy, low-fat cottage cheese has a good boost of protein.

2. Lowfat milk (if you drink milk) boosts metabolism because of the calcium and vitamin D combo.

3. High water and fiber vegetables (particularly broccoli or other cruciferous veg), roasted or steamed or raw.

4. Oatmeal, berries, and almonds are all good for boosting metabolic health.

5. Drink plenty of water! Being well-hydrated is vital to metabolic function.

6. If you are increasing your activity, make sure you're doing something that works for you, that helps you feel good in your body. Enjoyment of activity is the key to keeping it as a part of your natural life.

Hope that helps--congratulations on 1 month! Keep up the great work!


@Donnamoryc Not only does nicotine speed up our  metabolism, it is also an appetite suppressant.



CONGRATULATIONS @Donnamoryc  on 1 Month of Smoke Free Living

  Don't worry about weight gain My Pulmonologist told me after I complained that it's easier to help with weight loss than it is to repair lungs.

  I took up walking as soon as I could and watched what ate


Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. I feel like I’m in a fog and I don’t know my way around anymore. My body is changing and I don’t understand it, but you guys help me. I always start nicotine sped up my metabolism so I guess I’m gonna have to move more and eat better. 


@Donnamoryc Lot's of suggestions. Quitters  experiences are not the same.   I hope something works for you.



Don't make the mistake of going back to smoking to lose weight, because there is no guarantee you'll lose weight. So, then when you quit again you could gain even more weight.  

walking and weights are great, low weight then slowly add weight or reps for weights.

1 gallon of water is what I drink a day.  my doctor said 8 cups is plenty.

@Donnamoryc ive got 20 days so ill be dropping my nicotine replacement in a few days to 14mg.


good luck take it slow don't rush it.


Keep going! You can do it! Congratulations on one month! Take it day by day. 



Congratulations on completing ONE Month ! Splendid ... Keep going. NOPE.

It's believed to be our brain needs nicotine, and hence it keeps on different tricks to get pulled back into smoking. Weight gain is one of its tricks .. oh I am putting one weight because of quitting !

Haha .. please do not get into this thought process trap. Nothing better than quitting. You can concentrate current activity .. Just hold on your quit for longer time. Weight gain can be handled separately.

All the Best !



But some of us actually did gain weight because we quit smoking. It's physical, not mental.  Don't think it's helpful to deny other's reality.


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Congratulations on 8 days smoke free @Donnamoryc! Keep up the good work.

Quiana, EX Team


Hello @Donnamoryc I just wanted to say hello and welcome you here, it's a great place to vent, get support, it made all the difference for me to be here still not smoking at 128 days.....woo hoo you're doing great, it gets even better


@Cbefree Congrats on 128 days.  So happy to see your support of fellow quitters.  I know how much it means to feel that support.




@Donnamoryc   Congratulations on being nic free for 30 days.  Embrace and enjoy your new life, without the nic addiction!  Like everyone else, I agree, don't worry about the few extra pounds.  There are things you can do to combat the extra pounds, but you need to breath, in order to walk, etc.  You should be very proud of what YOU have accomplished.  Enjoy your freedom.

@Patrick1234  TWENTY DAYS!  Happy for you.  You can do this.





Thank you C be free I appreciate words of encouragement from you and all our friends and you should be as proud as I am even though you have more time I’m still proud of 30 days. I smoked a pack and a half a day and oh my God what I did to myself by my own hand, I have to try and forgive myself for being so selfish 


Oh goodness @Donnamoryc I feel super confident your pride will grow each day as mine has, and giving up any shame from our decisions from the past will disappear. It just dawned on me reading your post; I never calculated the cost of cigs when I was smoking but I have since I quit and that in and of itself made me swell with pride. We just keep going one day at a time it sucks and it's beautiful at the same time...go figure