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Share your quitting journey

One day away!

7 17 148

First off I will use the nicoderm patch. I have Step 1, but that's probably going to be too high for me. I read you should not cut them in half, but ... I don't know. 5 cigarettes a day is my norm. I also see the doctor on Friday, my quit day, so I'll maybe ask her if she will give a script again to start on Step 2, but whatever I am going to put that Step 1 patch on that morning. 

Yesterday I stocked up on mint patties, old fashion chick-o-sticks, cinnamon nuggets, sour gummies and I already have tootsie pops for when I walk my dog. I like chewing on the stick. lol. The great thing is I live in the woods on 2 acres so walking is easy and helpful. The challenge is I live in the woods, so it is quite a distance to town. But, tv, reading, crossword puzzles, cooking experiments, journaling, and gardening will fill in for those trigger times. I just want to make it, one day and then a new day everyday. 

My spouse smokes, but only outside and he is supportive. No one else even knows I smoke because I rarely see my family in Ft Worth and I never smoke around them. They still think I'm quit from the nine years I did not smoke. 

I really gotta do this.