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Share your quitting journey

One Year Blog

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Today is my 366th day without cigarettes and my 56th birthday. That's the bad thing about quitting on your birthday, your clock tells you how close you are to another candle on your cake. But it's my second birthday smokefree and it feels wonderful!!!!!

We found a wonderful new home for our precious Pekingese and she went there on Monday. The guy who adopted her is awesome and has invited us to visit whenever we want. Now we are working at getting the dander out of our house and hope I will start getting better. My allergies and asthma have just been awful and I want to enjoy my smokefree lungs.

This has been a year of MANY changes. I lost my job of 10 years, then lost my beloved rescued Beardie; Ghillie, to Lupus, had almost 30 interviews, gave up and applied for disability, am in PT for Spinal Stenosis with balance issues and am having a spinal MRI on Friday.

I am very thankful for my supportive husband, that I am apparently not allergic to Aila, my 4 year old fawn lavender Beardie, for my family and my friends from work who have stuck by me.

But I give so much credit to this quit to you, my very special EX FRIENDS!!!! All the times I wanted to light up a cigarette, or buy some more Nicorette gum, I was either here or would think of you and everything would be okay. And it goes WAY beyond quitting smoking! Trying not to cry here because you have gotten me through these changes, along with God, and I have felt your support and concern and care throughout this journey. I love you guys!!!

(((BIG HUGS)))