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On the 4th day for me!

0 4 16
Things are going pretty tough around here for me. I am very depressed, I can't see the light...what is going on with me? I want to so much just to get out of this dark hole, but I honestly don't want to do anything. So I just sit at home not doing anything, when I could be enjoying my life. I have been reading my quit smoking books and I want to make a plan to do something today, but don't know what that is yet. I was thinking about joining Curves, does anyone know anything about that? Well, sorry that I am not in high spirits, just waiting for this depression to move on so I can go on with my life! Hopefully soon.
I struggled with moodiness in my first couple weeks. After the nicotine got out of my system I thought I would be miraculously healed!!! LoL Little did I know that the work was just beginning.
You are doing great and just don't be so hard on yourself. Getting to day 4 is HUGE, and you should be very proud of yourself!!
I have a few health issues that limits what I do physically, and now that it is so hot outside I need to be careful. However... In the mornings and evenings I have been getting out of the house and going for small walks. Very small walks. LoL My breathing capacity isn't what it used to be. It helps me so much to just get out and have a change of scenery.
As for curves, I checked into it about 5 years ago, at least in my town it was about twice as expensive as the other gyms.
Check into it though. And, if nothing else for now get out and walk. Look around at the town you live in. : )
And, for heavens sake........ Never apologize for not being in high spirits! We all have those moments.
Hugs to you
So glad you're sticking with it despite how hard it is. Yes, the depression/ anxiety/ mental stuff is the pits. I always tried to remind myself that bona fide drug addicts often spend 6 months with people holding them down in cushioned chair so they don't go crazy from withdrawals. Nicotine is not so bad but it is a drug and we suffer the same (if milder) side effects as someone coming down off heroine. You can do lots of things with the emotional side effects though. I took St. John's wort - available in any supermarket and scientifically tested to be as effective as Paxil. I also got lots and lots of exercise and went out walking, running, swimming, dancing every chance I got - especially if I was feeling like crawling into a cave. The more I got out the better I felt, and I also lost 30 pounds in the process. Exercise is great for the mood, makes you feel like you're counteracting the eating you might be doing, and gives you the same quick high as a cigarette. Just don't give up. Keep telling yourself that you can handle it, you have been through worse and the cigarettes didn't really help you even if you thought they did. It will not drive you crazy even though you might think so right at this moment.
Go see your doctor, maybe he can put you on Wellbutrin and it will help with your depression AND smoking!
Are you depressed because you quit or were you depressed before that? Maybe you can ask your doctor about Chantix? that is what I am on, smoke free 36 days and it was EASY. If you have a history of Manic depression they wont give it to you though.
Curves is a crock. I was a member for a year and went about 12 times. It is EXPENSIVE, they try to sell you all kinds of supplements and the circut is VERY low impact you would have to do the circut about 12 times to break a sweat. It gets real boring real quick.
If you are a Navy wife you have good government health insurance use it to your advantage!!! Make an appointment with your Dr. Quitting smoking does not have to be SO painfull! there are TONS of aides out there to help you transition without spining into an emotional tail spin.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I did get out a little bit just walking around Walmart (and not spending anything) and I did check out Curves. It is really expensive and I am second-guessing doing it after what you all said about it. It don't want to waste my money. So I feel a little better after getting out. There were some people talking to me today while I was at the store and that lifted my spirits. I am depressed I guess because I can't have a cigarette and get that "high". I think I am really going to stick to it this time, despite what I am going through. Even though I have no desire to exersize at the moment, but I will try to squeeze it in today, even though I don't have much going on today, LOL. I also take antidepressants, and I forgot to take them yesterday, so that might be what caused it. I don't know. Well, my kids are ready to eat and go in the pool that we have in the back yard. Thanks for all the encouragement. I need it more than ever right now. Well, I will let you know how I am doing later. Thanks.