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On quitting cold turkey

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I am 68 years old and smoked for 57 years.I loved to smoke and wouldn't have quit for any reason.My lungs were in good shape,so I figured myself in good health smokewise. In July 2009 I was diagnosed with stage 3 bladder cancer.On the morning of August 31st I smoked my last cigarette walking across the street to the hospital.Although I am trying to recover from a botched operation I am still smoke free, but sorely tempted sometimes.More about smoking and bladder cancer later.........blooker.


I am so sorry to hear about your cancer!  I hope you get better soon!  Hang in there.  You can do it.  It gets easier!


Sadly smoking can hurt us so many ways other than lung troubles!    Congratulations on your over 4 month quit!    Keep on keeping on better days are ahead.


Hi! Linda I just stop smoking yesterday, going cold turkey and it is very hard. I am tired of smoking 35 years is enough. Sorry about your cancer I will keep you in my prayers.