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Okay, Maybe I Overdid it a Little

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Still loving my quit and my Fitbit, but I think I need to dial it back a little (the exercise, not the quit).  I did over 8,000 steps yesterday and when I went for my first walk today both of my shins were on fire!  I couldn't make it through the whole walk, and when I got back to my desk I googled it and it appears to be shin splints.  It comes from over use when not used to exercising.  So, I walked a good deal inside my office, and I've decided to shoot for 5,000 steps today and to much more gradually increase.  I went from 1,400 steps last Saturday to 8,384 steps in less than a week, and now I'm paying for it.  Live and learn, right?

I'm looking forward to a beautiful, sunny weekend, and i will get outdoors as much as possible.  Maybe a leisurely stroll rather than a power walk.  I also might get to see my daughter Jenny this weekend.  She's thinking of coming up from Richmond on Saturday afternoon.  That would be awesome -- to be together as non-smokers for the first time.  

It was a busy, productive week at work, and now I just have two more work days before heading to Nashville.  I actually took Wednesday off, not being sure exactly when we would leave, so I have a whole day before the trip to get ready, and relax.  Life is good.

I'm going to try to get away from the computer earlier this evening.  I really do spend a great deal of time sitting at this computer when I get home, after sitting at a computer all day.  I am going to try to read more and, of course, move more all the time.  Between Facebook, My Fitness Pal (where I log in all my food) Fitbit (that tracks my steps) WeightTalk (which is the program my company sponsors and I log in there every day to keep track of my calories in and calories out), my personal email (which I've been neglecting terribly for the last couple of months) and this site. it's a wonder I sleep at night!!  So I'm intent on striking a better balance of all these things that are important to me.  Less time on Facebook is a good start.  Not sure I'm ready for less time on here, but I'm going to try to log on earlier, not stay quite as long, and get away from the computer while I still have some evening left.

So, love to everyone, wishes for a wonderful weekend for everyone, and, of course, sweet dreams to all.