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Share your quitting journey


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I read your blog titled "Sorry"! First of all, you have nothing to be sorry about! Unless you are sorry for the ray of sunshine you bring to the lives of your friends here! Or, unless you are sorry for the way it makes me feel to know that you never forget me in your daily messages!

You have never made a fool of yourself here, and you certainally have not overstayed your welcome! The day that you are not welcome here, I don't want to be here either!

While it is true that the purpose of this site is to help each other quit smoking, and stay quit, if someone gave you the idea that the things that happen in your life are not a part of that, then they are sadly mistaken! How can we give someone the support they need, if we don't know what they are facing?

You are, as you said, a girl with a pretty face, but your true beauty comes from with-in! The joy that you share with us is the measure of your heart! And that is the true measure of a person! As far as you saying you are a girl with problems, well, yes, you are! And I am a guy with problems! And everyone here has problems! The only people without problems are the one who have passed away! As long as we live we will have problems!

If someone has made you feel that airing your problems here is wrong, then that person may well be hiding their own problems, and they will not be solved until they are dragged out into the light of day! And, perhaps their biggest problem is jealousy, caused by their inability to share their problems, so we can help solve them!

At any rate, who ever hurt you was wrong! And they are welcome to PM me and discuss it!

We love you Nikki! And "we" means me, and most everyone here! It should be everyone!    Tommy

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