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Share your quitting journey

OMG! It's like 3 weeks, and I am still here! Smokefree...whee what a ride!

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happy dance Pictures, Images and Photos

I have been so busy, and not on the site as much, I hadn't realized it was 3 weeks today!
I knew it was getting close,
I am grateful for my friends that I have made here, who support me through the good times, and the bad.
I am grateful to my business for keeping me busy for most of the day 6 days a week, so I don't have time to smoke!
I am grateful to a supportive family who knows that I want to live a healthier life so I can spend more time with them.
I am grateful for the rain as I don't have the urge to go outside and stand in it hoping my death stick doesn't get wet..good grief, it just amazes me where our mindset is when we are smokers, we only have one thing in mind, that next fix.
I am grateful that I can smell the rain again, yes it does have a smell and it is wonderful, it is right up there with fresh cut the smells of allergies..not so much. (My flower garden is also keeping my hands busy...and also my allergies itching my watery eyes 🙂

I am gratefull that I am making myself workout and lose back the weight I lost before I quit smoking, gained it back, and now trying to lose it keeps me busy, and my mind on healthful things.
I had the smokin monkey on my back for way too many years, so I am getting rid of both the smokin monkey and the hippo that has decided to take up residence on my lower backside.
I wish everyone a great smokefree day.
Stay healthy and wash your hands dang it!
Don't want to hear about any of you gettin this porky pig flu!

Your friend in Swine & Corn country (Iowa)