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Share your quitting journey


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So everyone keeps saying that exercise makes this quitting business easier. Starting Monday I am going to be putting this to the test! I work at an organization with squash courts and showers, so I have opted to do my workouts for free at the facility instead of joining a gym.  For those of you unfamiliar with squash, its roughly the size of a raquetball court...  My exercise regimen will go as follows (and if anyone has suggestions to maximize efficiency on this one, feel free to pipe in!):

5 laps jogging around the court

5 sets of suicides down the length of the court

Series of 5 ab exercises from pilates

Repeat jogging and suicides

Series of 5 leg/butt exercises from pilates

Repeat jogging and suicides

4 sets of 25 crunches, 4 sets of 10 push ups, 2 sets of 20 reps for biceps and 2 sets of 20 reps for tricepts using a resistance band

Repeat Jogging and suicides

My reasons for doing this are a) I want to feel healthy and in shape, b) I want to take off the 5 pounds I gained since quitting, c) I need to lose another 5 pounds for my wedding in August (seriously, my dress is too small as of right now!), and d) I eat really well for the most part and feel like I am only being 1/2 healthy!

My goals are:

1.  To weigh 125 pounds by May 1st. (I currently weigh 135 lbs.)

2.  To fit into size 4 jeans.

3.  To be toned and lean so I feel comfortable in a bathing suit.

4.  To be able to run, hike, etc. without it being too much of a strain.

I will be posting about my progress with not smoking and also exercising, as the two things are inextricably linked in my mind.  This is the year of healthy and positive changes in my life! 

Is anyone else starting a new exercise regimen?  Can we obsess about it together??