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Share your quitting journey

No more "COMFORTS"

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I gotta tell ya...I have no idea how I even found this site. I was cruising around the web one day, landed on this site and thought, "what the heck, maybe I need this and don't know it yet".

So here I is:D

When I quit smoking, it wasn't planned. It was the fourth time I had been sick in a 8 month time span. I remember going outside trying to smoke, and hacking my head off because my lungs just kept saying "no".

So, I quit. I came in the house pissed off, crying, and yelling because I was tired of being sick, and I can't even smoke! What an idiot I was for saying that.

I waited until I was done being sick before I made anymore changes, but the day I got better, I changed everything. I didn't want to become another statistic of gaining weight so I decided that I was going to change the way I eat as well. I gave up sugar, coffee, pop (oops, that's soda for some of you), drinking (this was easy, maybe only did it twice a year), starchy carbs, and quit eating meat for 2 months. Oh! And I cut 28 inches off hair of my head!  Not that that has any thing to do with my eating habits, but it helped when I weighed in! I'm kidding!!! LOL!  

Anyhoo...I realized one morning that I gave up all of my "comforts" in life. Not to worry though, I realize that they were all negatives anyway.  It's just that trying to replace all of these comforts is sometimes challenging.

Day-by-day, and sometimes minute-by-minute is my answer to dealing with a challenging day. I'm also happy to report that I haven't gained any weight, nor have I ate anyone's arm or killed anyone, so I'm good:D

Until we meet again 


 Those days do come where we will battle, but it's doable!!! Congratulations!!! you went the whole 9 yards! Good for you!


Hi Pita our stories sound so similiar.  I stayed sick all the time with hacking and choking my head off. I was amazed I didn't cough my lungs up.  I got mad at myself because I felt that I couldn't quit.  I somehow stummbled on this I joined and it  and not knowing what to expect saved my life too site too  I refused to gain anymore weight so I started a healthy eating planned and haven't gained any weight and has been almost 1 year into my quit.  Just curious you stopped carbs (starchy) and then meats for 2 months what the heck did you eat?  You are sounding great!


I remember those days of coughing like crazy every time I smoked when I had a cold and it's true it didn't stop me from smoking. Nor did it ever get me to quit as it did you. I just kept smoking, ignoring obvious symptoms that my body was giving me. My own worst enemy, so to speak. You made the right choice and I'm happy that it's working out for you!




Great blog.  Thank you for sharing your experience.  We do have to make changes some sooner others later as long as we continue on the journey of freedom from nicotine we all get better.  Thanks. 


Thanks, ShawnP!


Thanks, Shashort! It's funny how somethings turn out, right? Just so you know, I didn't give up carbs for good, just for a while:) I can honestly say though, I try really hard not to eat them. Instead of me eating protein, I lived on fresh fruits and veggies. I knew that would only last for a short while, but I guess I was trying to detox my body. I wanted the nicotine out of my body as quick as possible because I knew the psychological part of quitting smoking was going to be the worst of it. 

Good for you for changing your eating habits!!! I will say that when I did quit, I figured if I gained any weight I could always lose it down the road. Better to lose weight than a lung I always say:)

Have a great day!


Thanks, Chuck! It's crazy how we psych ourselves out, right? Really makes ya wonder just how powerful the mind really is?!


I absolutely agree!


I also was hacking up a lung.  Didn't matter what happened, every morning I would be out on the deck,

suffering through it all with a cigarette!! Thank you for your inspiring blog, I don't want to gain weight but I will

deal with that later on.


Thanks for dropping by, Christine13! I agree. I've decided that if I gain any weight at all, that it's better than smoking!!! We can always lose the weight, but we kinda need the lungs;)


pita6014‌  Beautiful blog, I am really happy that you found EX.  Many of us came across this site and have been thanking God every day that we have been free.  I did not worry about weight when I quit because I had sabotaged myself more than once in the past because I gained some weight.  An overweight coworker of mine overheard me talking to my daughter and I said " I would rather deal with the consequences of smoking than be fat...EVER."  What an incredibly stupid thing to have said, let alone to have FELT!  After smoking for the better part of 47 years (except for pregnancies and short term, failed quits, I havw been FREE for over three years and I have discovered the person I was always supposed to be.  This is a journey and it has MANY, MANY amazing rewards!  Glad that you are here!


I'm so glad that you are achieving your goal! Thank you for sharing your Victory! I hope you visit and write more often!


Thanks, Thomas3.20.2010! Will do:)


elvan‌ I agree with you 100%!!! That was an incredibly stupid thing to say for sure.

While it is true that I don't want to gain any weight, I certainly wouldn't start smoking if I gained a few pounds. There certainly are many more worse things in life than a few pounds:)
