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Share your quitting journey

No More Inhalers

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About 30 minutes ago I go a text from my pharmacy saying one of my inhalers was ready to be picked up. And I was annoyed about it. I am not yet at my quit date of March 1st, but I'm really getting frustrated with having to use inhalers to support my breathing. I have mild exercise-induced and allergy-induced asthma. But I haven't always had it. It's only been since I've been an adult, and especially a more sedentary adult, that this has really been bothering me. It's only since I've been smoking that it has bothered me. I was just on albuterol as needed for a while. Then Symbicort was added. Then the Symbicort got too expensive. I was doing alright for a while on just the albuterol as needed. Then at the end of October 2020 I got COVID-19. I was lucky that I didn't end up in the hospital or worse, but it was still the worst illness I have ever had in my life. I passed out the day before I got tested, and I'm not a fainter. There were several times where I was afraid if I fell asleep that I wouldn't wake up. But the only way to soothe my anxiety was sleeping. I did always feel better when I woke up. The symptoms lasted for several weeks. And I couldn't stop my self from smoking while I was sick. It was only one or two per day in the beginning and then I slowly got back up to my normal 15 per day. The chest pain and tightness after lingered for quite a while and my doctor prescribed me Wixela. This has actually helped a lot and I can definitely tell when I forget to take it. But I feel reliant on it. I get wheezy and short of breath if I don't use it first thing in the morning. And I'm tired of it. I don't want to have to use them anymore. I don't want to have to buy them anymore. I want to feel that I can go on walks without needing to take my rescue inhaler with me. I want to not be worried if I forget it at home when I go out. I miss my exercise tolerance, and I didn't have much to begin with. I feel tethered and restricted. And I know it is because of my smoking. After a health scare at the beginning of February and the incidental discovery of a small pulmonary nodule, I decided it was time. I talked with my doctor about it and explained that I didn't know if I would ever be truly ready to quit, but I was willing to start. I'm doing all I can now to form a plan for my triggers and to set up new routines that don't involve smoking so that when my quit date arrives, I'll be ready. I know that there are going to be hurdles and rough patches and moments that feel impossible, but I am ready for it. I am ready to have my freedom back.

About the Author
North Carolina mountain girl now living in the city. Artist, crafter, house plant enthusiast, Carolina Hurricanes fan, bunny mom, wife to an amazing husband.