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Nicotine does nothing for you

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I relapsed again - I’ve never felt so disappointed in myself in my entire life.  I’ve experienced everything from sadness to a syncope episode.  I’m weaning off nicotine again.  Vaping was the worst idea I’ve ever had.  I don’t know how I’ll recover from this and move forward with my life.  I look at old videos of me, so vibrant without smoking/vaping.  I appreciate the support.  I just feel so down and disappointed in myself.  I don’t see the value in having had this life experience.  I’m a health person - I know better.  I’ll continue to blog helpful information so that others don’t have to go through this.


@jettagirl170 Quitting is hard, exhausting work bc you have to fight the battle constantly and there is very little let up - especially early in your quit.

I read that people try to quit 9 times before they are successful. This is my 3rd time. I won't touch the stuff bc I learned the hard way that there is no such thing as "just one."

Get rid of the vape and the pod. Try again. The sooner you quit the better you will feel. That down and disappointed feeling will go away.

Stay close to the site and blog before you vape (or buy it). Then wait for 3 replies to talk you down before you vape. By then the urge will pass. Try it. It worked for me.


@jettagirl170  That you got on this site to say something about it is huge!!! Shame can’t live in community. Keep putting yourself first. I can’t even count the number of times I have “quit” and each time I would feel horrible the next day.  I just keep taking one day at a time and repeating NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE

Right here with you




What if you think about a few things ok .

You said you relapsed again and feel disappointed in yourself , so if you relapsed before , did you feel disappointed in yourself before . This is something you can change ? 

Your title says “Nicotine does nothing for you “ . I agree and I like that thinking but do you believe it now that you said it . It will make a difference in your quit if you don’t forget what you said , I promise .The good news is you can change this thinking too . So don’t be disappointed . 

Is it easier or harder to post before you smoke saying you are struggling or after you smoke when you feel disappointed .Why ? Ask yourself sometime ok . What are you holding on to or not letting go of . It might give you an answer to a deep seeded question you need to know to help you in the future . 

How do you recover from disappointment ? Do opposite to the things that disappointed you , don’t smoke . It will boost your confidence not to let yourself be disappointed . Choose that . 

Trust me there is value in this experience you’ve had ok .. don’t give up .. this experience will be one day used for good to help others be it to quit smoking or for you to encourage others like me in other health aspects . You could likely use this to inspire me right now to take my excersise more seriously , eat more healthy ,  or walk . You wouldn’t let me give up . Don’t you give up .  I’m not letting you give up . 

I don’t have any experience with vaping .Did you start vaping after smoking or have always vaped . 

Take a big breath . You are going to be ok . 






Have you done the readings suggested to you in previous posts @jettagirl170 Do you have a plan? Why are you able to get to your vape?  What can you do in place of vaping?  I think you need to work on your quit and not worry about posting information that isn’t helping you.  

You can do this, we are here for you…focus on the work and commitment to YOU and Your Health….Gotcha in my Thoughts ~

Colleen 1302 DOF 


Does this look familiar?  What did you do different this time? Spend more time on the site early on.  I really does make a difference to be here, all day if necessary.  We keep encouraging you to reach out before you smoke.  This is hard--it took me at least 7 attempts to finally quit.  Take advantage of the support available here.  Glad you're getting back on track again.



jettagirl170   That probably wasn't the best way to celebrate your birthday but next year you can celebrate it along first year nicotine free.

  That's already behind you. Don't let it define your quit.  It's a little slip, so getting right back on track is essential.   Don't let that happen again.  How do you do that?  Use your tools, go for walk, deep breathing and most importantly reach out to the Ex before you smoke and let the Ex do it's job.

Don't be around vapers right now if need be.  Yours or anyone else's

Stay close and stay busy. 




Remember the thoughts you had when you decided to vape.  And it WAS a decision!  Make a plan NOW what you can do when those thoughts start in again.  Will you blog"HELP" here, call a friend, go for a walk, take slow/deep breaths?

Right now get rid of all vaping materials.  Take them to a public trash can or dumpster.  Keeping them around is giving yourself permission to fail!

Start again!  You can do this!



I firmly believe that quitting successfully has nothing to do with changing ones' thinking 100% and forever more, all at once right at the beginning of a quit. As a smoker I coveted my smoking and when I first quit, it was smoking that I understood, held on to and believed in (sort of). I did not look ahead and think,' boy have I got it made now that I've stopped smoking.' Instead I looked inward and saw only a smoker who just wasn't smoking. I stumbled forward only because my pride wouldn't let me do anything else. And maybe I had a dull hope for a better day. Each quitter has their own pile of tools to help them navigate the tricky start of a quit. I hope you spend time finding what your tools really are. Not tools that someone else thinks you should use, but the ones you know will work for you. They are only tools--we each have to decide that we will go to any length to get free from our dependency.





@jettagirl170 , don’t be ashamed or disappointed in yourself. That’s bad nicotine monster talk. It doesn’t want you to quit. But YOU get to decide!

All the prior comments are right on. Don’t have any vape available to you, at all. That’s setting yourself up for failure. What can you do now to set yourself up for success?

I joined Ex last November and quit on Nov. 10. I made it until Christmas. I was missing some tools and strategies because I hadn’t  done my homework on this site. I felt really down on myself.

I recommitted to my quit in May, and I feel like what I learned from my failed quit was invaluable. And I learned that staying connected to this community was truly the lifeline I needed.

Your quit will succeed if you’re willing to put in the work. I know you can. Dust yourself off, be clear and honest with yourself about what you learned, and get back on the horse.

You got this. We are here for you — you’re not alone!

Namaste, Terry 


@jettagirl170 How are you?  Are you still working on your quit.



@Barbscloud Yes, I am still working on my quit.  This time around, the vape caused me extreme depression.


@jettagirl170  Here to help if I can.
