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Share your quitting journey

Newbies....listen up!!!

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Welcome to the forum!!!!  This is a place where we celebrate FREEDOM!!!!  We take daily train rides on the FREEDOM Train, we have BONFIRES where we gather together and burn all of our UNSMOKED cigarettes, we laugh, we play, and sometimes we even argue and fight.......but MOST OF ALL......we kick addiction butt!!!!!!!   We hope you join us in becoming free from the tyranny of addiction!!!!!  We were all meant for more than slavery.....and that includes YOU!!!!!  This addiction will try and convince you that you can't possibly live without it.........but we are proof that you only begin to REALLY live when you kick it to the curb and embrace FREEDOM from it!!!!!

You will want to learn all you can not only about nicotine addiction, but addiction in general.  There are some specifics that are inherent with addiction, regardless of the substance used.  The two that I realized, and that changed me from being a serial quitter to a firmly entrenched Ex-smoker, were 1)  As an addict, I can NEVER have 'just one' and 2) As an addict, I am prone to believing lies.  These lies disguise themselves as "reasons" I could, should, have to have 'just one' when in reality, all they are is junkie excuses to justify my next fix.  Knowing that we NEVER have to pay them any attention, let alone obey them, is knowing that we have the power over this addiction!!!!

Quitting is easy.........STAYING quit takes more intentionality.  It's something you do on doesn't just happen.  You choose not to use!!!  You embrace a mindset that says "Smoking is simply NOT an option!! Not for ANY reason, not under ANY circumstance!!!"  Then you don't allow yourself to think, dwell on, entertain ANY thoughts that are contrary to that decision.  When those thoughts come, and they will, you dismiss them immediately and think a different thought, either something positive about living a smoke free life, or something unrelated to smoking all together!!! 🙂 

YOU are calling the shots now!!!  You are no longer a puppet on a string, a slave to a demented, sadistic, narcissitic master!!!!  You are living FREE!!!!! 🙂

My name is Connie and I have been quit for 5 Years, 9 Months, 3 Weeks, 4 Days, 18 hours, 41 minutes and 5 seconds (2,124 days). I have saved $12,748.67 by not smoking 31,871 cigarettes. I have saved 3 Months, 2 Weeks, 5 Days, 15 hours and 55 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 9/7/2005 2:00 PM