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Negative thoughts & Smoking friends

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I had a few negative thoughts last night about smoking. But I kept them in check by asking myself whether it would make me feel any better to start smoking? The answer was no, and that in fact it would make me feel worse. So last night was good, because I had my first real pangs of temptation, and they were resisted. Hurrah!

I am on my way to Vancouver for work (at the airport now). I will meet with my best friend while I am there. She’s a non-smoker and is really supportive. Last night, I emailed another friend who I will see there, and I told her that I quit smoking. She responded, “Really? Who am I going to have my smoke breaks with now?” I think that I might need to avoid her….Problem is that we have lunch arranged for tomorrow.


Perhaps you could chew a piece of nicorette gum during the smoke break??  Or perhaps a drink of ice water??  OR.  Avoid the smoke break altogether.


It is ok... you will notice that your friend will start to get anxious at the end of lunch because she/he will be thinking about the next smoke.  It is a problem for her/him since less people are smoking and it does raise the question.... Who will she have to share smoke breaks..... NOT YOU... and less and less people.  I know this seems strange but smell her/her...... you might not have noticed how BAD they smell if they smoke.... take a good look and listen.. they are not happy for you .. they are only worried for themselves ... they want you to smoke.. it makes them feel more secure.

If they try to offer or encourage you to smoke... RUN DON'T WALK...  they are not a real friend.


You are doing great with your quit and are very smart when it comes to people not respecting your precious choice of being an Ex smoker. 



have an escape plan


Good job Amanda, you are going GREAT.

I travel a lot for work and won't miss the nicotine fits when flying one little bit! 

Your probably just spoke without thinking. Remeber, she doesn't get to smoke, she has to smoke and your free. She's the one that should be jealous!

Hang tough and hang in, we CAN do this.


Day 11


Protect your quit AT ALL COSTS!  Whatever you do, resist going outside with the smoker friend.  You might take some Vicks to put under your nose,  The bit of burn reminds you that you are quit - and the odor negates the smoke smell.

Rejoice in being able to sit in the airport and just relax, not worrying about your next chance for a fix.  That freedom is GLORIOUS!



Good for resisting the temptation it's not easy. I had a one of those moments last night really wanted to smoke but picked up my husbands ashtray took a sniff and the gross smell made me think are you sure it's worth giving up 6 days for a few puffs of poision, dumped the ashtray out in the garbage and decided NOPE and got ready for bed. I'm still fighting to resist the temptations on day 7, but hope it will get better soon.


You are doing great.  Smokers miss their smoke buddies...I have a very good friend I work with who was really disappointed when I would not go outside with her for the first couple of months after I quit.  Once I felt secure in my quit, I started going outside with her but I won't sit on the bench with her.  You could try putting a little Vicks under your nose to keep from smelling the smoke OR you could just tell your friend that she might want to give up her smoke breaks.


Hello Amanda! Great that you have the experience of talking yourself through the challenging moments. Hey this is your LIFE we are talking about here. If you have to cancel lunch with a smoker to be safe then do it. A real friend will understand 


you can make the decision that you are not going to smoke NO MATTER WHAT. 

You can do what it takes to honor that decision no matter what happens!

Your NEW NORMAL is an exciting adventure land where beauty, peace and coping skills are a way of life...I kept visualizing my new normal and watching me in it smiling, joyful, able to handle the life stuff as it comes with grace, dignity, integrity...I feel like I am living that now…truly in it and loving life again…

Jeff is right. She doesn't 'get' to smoke she 'has' to smoke. YOU don't.

Can't wait to hear how it goes! 


Amanda! Very good comments above! You are doing great in your quit and have a strong quit! Deal with the smoker, so that you are comfortable! It is time that you take care of you! Have a great Day!

Terrie  31  DOF  =  1  month  OF


If she is a real friend she will ultimately encourage rather than hinder you in your quit. I think it is normal for even a good friend to have mixed feelings when one goes through a major change in their  life . You will see her true colors and if she really  cares about you .

You will also have different views about her, try not to be too judgemental about her smoking now that you are quitting. Remember where you came from !