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Share your quitting journey

Nearing day 50. Caring for me is MY job!

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It is just different this time. I feel strong, my cravings are few and far between, and manageable when they come. I have moments where I WANT more than others (driving home from work still sticks in my craw!), but since I know I am no longer a smoker, I put the stress they cause away. I do not give them the respect of my energy. Oh, if only I had felt thie way with my first 20 quits! I have wonderful support from long term friends here who have always treated me with kindness and for them I am so very grateful. My entire family has officailly quit! I do not believe I will ever smoke again. God delivered some benign cardiac issues lately that made me realize it is up to me , and only me, to care for this poor abused (by ME!) body I've been given. I will not get another chance. This is my one and only life. I want it to last awhile!