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Share your quitting journey

Names Nichole! In need of help to stay quit. 4 days down!!!! :)

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Hello Everyone!

My name is Nichole, Im a 22 year old female from good ol' Iowa! I am brand new to this site, well... to any forum/blogging site. But what I am am NOT new to is quitting. I have tried to quit 4-5 times with one fail after another. But I am proud to say that for the first time in 4 years I have been cigarette smoke free for 4 days, 16 hours! So I didnt join this site to help me quit, but rather to stay quit. 

So far, so good. Well, with the exception of day one. Wow.. I was not preparred for day one of this quit. I am not sure with it was a combination of stress, lack of nicotine and realization that this quit is for real, but I had a nervous breakdown. I survived though, and without a cigarette. 

Day two, three and four were all imcreasingly easier and easier. The cravings have not began to subside AT ALL mind you. But the farther away I get from my quit day, the easy it is to say no to a cigarette. I don't want to through away all my hard work

I guess I left out the part as to 'why' I quit. Well I recently recieved my GED and enrolled to my local community college so I can further my education and hopefully enter a career that I truly enjoy. So I had to sit down and decide what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I quickly decided that I wanted to do something in healthcare because the demand is so high and stability is very important to me in my choice. After a ton of research about the best choices my school offered, I landed on Respiratory Therapist. It was perfect! The right amount of schooling, and a very interesting, constantly growing career choice with so many options on where to work! 

Now I HAVE to quit smoking. Im going to be working to emphysema patients and children with asthma.. I cant smoke. I knew once I began my classes and learned what smoking really does to someone's body, I'd quit smoking right away. But that wasn't good enough. 

I needed to quit now.

I set a day.. Well more set a week, and waited for my pack to run out. I had my kast cig at about 9pm April 17th, 2012, went to bed and then began April 18th as a non-smoker. 🙂


At this point, I believe I am past all the physical side effects and am just waiting for the cravings to start to fade.. If it doesnt start soon Im going to break!