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Share your quitting journey

My quit is going strong 443 days of N,O,P,E.

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Hello my ex buddies. Here I sit @ mc.Donalds/free wifi  I'd much better be at home writing this blog.I thought that black cloud was way gone,But round 2 or is 3 4 5 6 7 .lol My heater in car stopped working,I hit a deer so my head light is not where it should be. Replaced head like and it still only works on low beam,grrrrrr Also I need back brakes(I have them) just have to find a nice person to help me put it in. That deer's butt is inbedded in my hood.One good thing is it didn't come through my window. She got right back up and in the woods she went.My heart went through the roof. Gotta tell ya all I pulled over and caught my breath..... If I didn't quit smoking,I would have definately would have smoked the whole pack. See take great with the bad... I really can't believe I quit this nasty addiction.Yes there are still cravings and thoughts . But that back bone of mine won't let me,and it would kick my When I first quit the only thing that helped without e-cig or patches,hipnosis etc. was small candy canes. They fit in my finger and I still drive with them in the glove box. Of course The needed help came and continue to keep me here is every body. The good is to hear about other's quit. I'm not always the one complaining. I have to say I do have my favorits but all is so precious and beautiful inside and out.Thanks again my friends.I'm going out and curse at that black cloud..... I pray every day for myself and I include all of you. I'm proud and so should you. Keep treating yourself it feels good not to buy the cancer sticks....Love you all ~peace/Love~ Deborah


Deborah, I'm praying that black cloud lifts and you get the much over due sunshine you have coming.  Congratulations on your 443 days! 


Hello back a ya.  Deborah you have shown us that no matter what you are not going to smoke.  Enjoy your day.  The black cloud is gone.  Poof!


Cursing at a cloud

Make it real loud

Knowing it can't stay

It will go away.


hi deborah..hope everything goes well for are one awesome lady.the cloud will lift..


Hello my snow angel, life has got to start going your way, it's time for that black cloud to disappear and the beautiful wispy clouds to roll in. You deserve so much happiness and hopefully this Spring and Summer will be your year and a super duper congratulations on your awesome 443 splendiferous DOF and counting WTG my fellow Exer and friend.


Congratulations on 443  days of freedom! And I like your backbone!   lol Have a good one!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!



You have been through enough and you absolutely blow me away the way you always get back up and dust yourself off and keep fact, sometimes you don't even fall down, you just stagger a little under the weight of the latest blow.  I am SO PROUD of you and so happy for you, you are AWESOME!

Love you, Ellen


Thank You~!!!!!!!