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My practice quit today

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HI Everyone,

 I did my practice quit today and tried out my quit aids. it went pretty well and I did learn a few things along the way.

I put the patchon last night be for going to bed and did not have a good reaction to it at all. Well to be honest I am not sure if it was the patch or the ear infection I now have. I woke up after a hr of sleep and was in the bathroom for a good hr. I know this is a side effect but when i used them before in the past I did not have that trouble. I did use a diffrent brand so I am not sure if that could also be a reason.

Wellto make a long story short I ended up removing that around 8 this am. So for the next 8 hrs or so I used the inhaler and also tried the lozenge. The lozenges helped but burned the mouth so I do not think I will be using them again. I did like the inhaler kind of. I ended up puffing on them pretty hard which was weird but it seemed to work.  My kids thought I was strange but oh well.

What also seemed to work was walking around with a carrot stick in my mouth. I hate carots so I knew i was not gonna eat the icky thing and I felt like I looked goofy. Then I would remind myself how I looked goofy with a cig in my mouth.

All in all I think I did good. I smoked about 9 cigs today which is way down and like I said i did learn what will work and might not.


Best Idea? Put the patch on when you get up. Patches can cause mental disturbences when you apply them before bed.

Have you tried making a nice patch tea?  DON'T


Nice patch tea? Now u have me wondering lol


don't wear the patch at night , it can give you nightmares.

and dont' smoke on the patch it could give you aheart attack.

dont make tea of it either, Dale was joking

all the Best to you



The patch has been working for me. I put it on in the morning and then take it off before I go to bed. I had a couple rough nights around day 4 and 5, but that passed and I hardly think about smoking. Good luck on you quit and keep this site close it really does help.

Hey Cassandra,I had nightmares from the patch for wearing it at night .Before I quit I used the gum and would go for hours without smoking,I also used pack wraps-you know where you keep the piece of paper wrapped around the pack and write down when you smoke.Planning and practicing are great tools.All the best to you and your quit.Moe smoke-free 2 years+(former 3.5 pack a day smoker)

hello Cassandra,

We share the same name 🙂

When I was using the patch I had the same reaction. It did go away after awhile. it got better after I stopped using them at night.

As for the carrots I hate them with a passion. I did not try them but I maybe will when I work on my quit again.

I also used the inhalers wich I did like. I eneded up puffing hard also. I do not know if this is the right way to do them.

Any comments from the others who used them would br great. Did you jave to puff them hard also?

I hope you quit goes good for you. it will be great to hear how it is going. If you need to ask alot of ?? weather you feel dumb or not. Also just write about your day or what ever you want if it helps