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My biggest triggers

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Okay, so I am done with the "three day tracking". I discovered my absolute biggest triggers are stress(haha no shocker there!) and whenever I'm trying to relax. Usually, I smoke THE most at night. After I get Jaycie down after her bath and bedtime bottle, I am usually completely worn out from the day, so I go outside, call my aunt, and smoke about 3-4 cigarettes. Then Hubby comes home from work, and smoke a few more with him. 😕  My aunt told me about this yoga breathing technique that supposedly helps you quit smoking, and it also helps clean out the toxins from your lungs! I'm definitely going to try out! Not sure where to go from here.. I had one this morning when I woke up. In the morning, I have this heavy pressure on my chest, and once I smoke it goes away. I think that might be the most difficult time of the day to overcome, along with after I get Jaycie down. We are going to hang out with one of my friends, and she smokes, but I am out of cigarettes so I am not going to buy a pack for now..Maybe just bum a couple. Maybe when they smoke I will play with her daughter or something to try to keep myself occupied! Hope everyone is having a great day and achieving their goals for the day!!! My goal today is to smoke under 10 cigarettes..Which still sounds like a lot, but is  A LOT less than I normally smoke! Update more later!


Cassie...sounds like you have a good plan there and you're working it...excellent.

I swear by the prep work.  I tracked, I delayed...I practiced quitting...

The decision is made, now you just do the prep work until quit day.

Wishing you much success and FREEDOM!


Keep up with your goal , That's how I did it . I went to  five cigs a day and that's when I wa able to set my quit day.. I am now on my 60th day being smoke free thank God ..  I'm now going to tell you it's been easy, because It hasn't ...  Good luck and God bless you....


Definitely start doing the yoga breathing.  Practice it throughout the day particularly before you lit up.  You will probably find that you'll be able to delay that smoke.  You need to learn how to use this tool well before your quit.  It will help to get you out of a crave when they come.


As others are saying now would be a great time to start the seperation exercises. Also please cnsider chekcin gout the Allen Carr book link or the Quitsmoking onine link I gave you yesterday. Both are free and oh so helpful!  kEEP GOING!


Do you like hot tea? Maybe a cup in the morning - herbal or green, peoke, etc. instead of the cig would help loosen the chest.

Do you like ice cream? Jello if you're concerned about calories? While you're talking to your aunt, sit with a bowl of ice cream or jello and a spoon. It will give your hands and mouth something to do, and both are yummy. (and you won't be crunching in her ear as with carrot sticks or celery).  Then when you are done with the call and the snack take an extra moment, put your head back, close your eyes, take a deep breath and ask yourself if you really really want to ruin that cool sweet residue in your mouth with vile nicodemon, tar and smoke. Of course you don't cuz you just made it another day as a non-smoker and deserved that ice-cream treat that you don't want to ruin.  Same with when your husband gets home. As he's puffin, and coughin, suck on a tasty lollipop. I'm just sayin.....


....and who knows? Maybe, just maybe after a few nights like that (with the days void of cigarettes as well, of course), you'll wake up one morning to find the pressure in your chest absent.


You are working towards your quit - great job! As Maggie said - be sure to read also. It has helped so many of us!


Good job starting to prep!!  I came her with the assist of Chantix, which you can smoke with for the 1st week.  I'll tell you during that first week, I was trying to work on the prep piece.  If it normally smoked as soon as I got up, I made myself wait at least 1 hour before I could have one.  If I smoked putting on my makeup, I had to wait until the makeup was on before having one.  If I smoked while I drove to work, I made myself wait until I got there.  Was it somewhat irritating?  A little.  Could I do it?  Yep.  Did I feel great just proving I could do it?  Yep.  Those were all big triggers for me, and I neede to prove that I really could get through them if I wanted to instead of just going totally mindless habit (and I truly believe most of it was!).


I just passed Day 70 yesterday.  You can do this!  Start finding your triggers now, try changing up some of your 'habits' to prove to yourself you can do it, and keep with your decreasing program.  You are on a great track!!!  Come here regularly, and you'll be surprised (I was) how much it helps just to read, and blog!




Thanks for th tips! I already started trying them out first thing this morning and so far so good!!