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Share your quitting journey

Mrs. T Breathes

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I started one already, and just do not know where in Cyber space it is.  I do need help in continuing to quit, because I sometimes find myself wavering.  It is the hardest thing I have ever tried, and I have tried lots of things.  I quit smoking on December 21 so that I would not have to lie to my grand daughter about why I smoke.  I have never written a blog, and so this is all new to me; not only do I need help with extinguishing my habit, but also blogging about it.  So to anyone who is out there -- HELP!


Your blog came out just fine. As for the quit....Wow! December 21 was a long time ago. Good for you. Keep up the good work.


Hey Wash,Pa. Congrats on your quit! The people in this support group are wonderful. They will help you keep your quit. You did a great thing on Dec. 21 and your body will be thanking you for the rest on your life.


Thanks, guys, for communicating so soon.  My husband and daughter give me a little assurance, but it just does not seem to be enough for me, because my daughter never smoked, and my husband quit a lifetime ago in 1968. I think that if I get into an exercise routine, I shall be okay.  Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!


Mrs. T.


I think what you are doing is awesome and something that I am looking forward to.  Don't wait for someone else to assure you assure yourself.  Reward yourself. Put the money that you would have spent on smoking in a jar and save it. Plan a cruise with it and go.  Go to the dentist and get your teeth whitened and then go and get a massage and your hair done.  Plan a marathon run do it ALL.  Encourage yourself because no one can do it like you can.  You go girl:)


Dear Gonnadoit,

Thanks for the support.  One of the reasons that I quit "Cold Turkey," was that my hubby and I are going on a cruise, next week.  We'll fly to Atlanta and from there fly to Honolulu, where we will stay and see the standard things there, then cruise the islands at night.  I knew that I would be on a plane for an extended period of time, and so I thought, no better time to quit than when we went to visit our son for Christmas.  I shall take under consideration some of your other suggestions.  Again, thanks a lot for the encouragement!


Mrs. T.


If you quit on 12/21/09 you are doing a great job KEEP IT UP also there is a blog above yours goodbye old friend

by theqills06 well worth reading stay free


Mrs. T -  You're doing great! December 21st and you're still going strong, I want to be there too!  Blogging is essentially just a journal or diary to post your feelings, frustrations, questions, musings and so forth, there is no wrong or right way to blog.  Its your place to vent, celebrate, cry, laugh... whatever you want to write, you put it there.   

I agree with one of your commentators, stash the money you're saving and use it to reward yourself for taking on this battle and winning!  I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise!


Mrs. T, you sound like you have a great Quit going - good for you. I think you'll find that writing about it instead of caving in to a craving will really help a lot. Have fun on your smoke-free vacation. Wish I was going.



Okay, okay, I had an urge, so I decided I'd wash my floors, vacuum the rugs, dust the tables, and continue with the laundry.  If I have this burst of energy every day, I shall have the cleanest house in the neighborhood.  As I said earlier, I decided to quit in Fort Lauderdale, while visiting my son.  We returned home to Pennsylvania and about eight inches of snow on January 5th, and am ready to go back to Fort Lauderdale.  I think we will put our house up for sale in March and find a house there in which to retire.  Because of you, Maynell, I found out that I have already saved $70.00 and not smoked 200 cigarettes.  I found your Quitmeter reference and clicked on it.


Mrs. T.


See, it's the energy that I miss.  I am so tired of feeling so sluggish and lazy and also lyin to my grands and also the hypo-glycemic all the bad things that smoking has to offer.  I want to take the money that I plan to save from not buying cigarettes and maybe help a family at christmas I plan to make a difference in someones life and that will be my reward along with other things.  Right now where you are you can do whatever you always wanted to do and that to me is amazing.  Imagine the empowerement you will have once you go a full 24 hours and don't even think about it.  AWESOME


Aloha! I'm Baaaack!

I'm back from Hawaii, and what a place!  I couldn't imagine living there amongst all of that beauty.  Since we returned on January 24th, Washington, Pennsylvania has seen snow almost every day since then.  We received 29 + inches with the first storm, and so far, another 6 - 10 inches until today, and we are supposed to get another 3 - 6.  Several buildings have had their roofs caved in due to the weight of the snow.  I just hope my 75-year old house can withstand that burden.  We lost electricity and water for the first day, and there are some here who still have no electricity and it has been since February 5th.  Imagine in what bad shape I'd be in if I had not quit smoking.  Occasionally, I go out to help my almost 70-year-old husband shovel the white stuff!  I still have urges to smoke, but I walk out on my front porch to fill my lungs with the cool, winter air, and then I feel better.  My daughter and I have been working out to a Wii Active Program daily, so that helps with some of the urges and keeps me busy.  I have been nicotineless for 56 days and that is pretty darned exciting!

Mrs. T