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Morning one and all, another Smoke Free Month in on the Horizon!

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Wow, Tommorrow is July 1st and it's Canada Day as well, plus my neice on my husbands side of the family is getting married tomorrow in the most expensive place in NB in the most expensive hotel on the busiest day of all days it being Canada Day but it's her day. She lives with her future husband in Vancouver over four thousand miles away and his family is flying in from England so everyone is traveling but it's going to be quite a celebration indeed. The Whole wedding is circled around alcohol, drinks before the wedding which isn't until 6:15 pm, drinks after the wedding, drinks before the luncheon, drinks during the luncheon, drinks on the roof top then lip syncing, then the dance and all of this is written down on the invitation cards and it's great for them and my husband won't mind the alcohol because he still drinks but I will be extra vigilant with alcoholic beverages as well as smoking, I am a recovering alcoholic with over 5 yrs sober and on the 14th of July I will be 2 yrs smoke free, so I plan on carrying a bottle of water around with me so I don't pick up a glass and possibly take a sip of alcohol as far as cigarettes go I will be EXtra careful there as well but I don't think they'll be too many smokers plus I'm around people who smoke most days anyway. I may or may not be back on before Saturday but  I probably will be but just in case have a wonderful day today and tommorrow too, be EXtra vigilant with your spectacular quits, let's not become complacent and lazy because relapsing would really suck, going back to day one instead of another day WON isn't an option so smile and realize how blessed we are for taking back our lives from the dreaded cancer sticks so chin up and enjoy the day. 

Marilyn 717 DOF 

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....