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Low dose CT lung scan

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This is a tough blog to write, but I feel that it is very important. Thanks to folks here, like marciemThomas3.20.2010elvanBarbara145Sandy-9-17-17mikecitydr_hurtMark  and many others who have discussed the screening test for lung cancer - I decided to have one done. It was completed about 10 days ago.

Unfortunately they found a nodule. It is my understanding that finding one in a former smoker is quite common. (I quit almost 9 years ago.) These nodules can range from about 5 mm to 30 mm...after that the growth would be referred to as a “mass”. Mine is 14 mm - right in the middle of the range to be called a “nodule”. He called it “suspicious” - which is not a great word to hear! I think that the radiologist then makes recommendations based the size, shape, patient’s risk factors, etc. (That is based on my reading.)  He also classified it as “4A” which I think is also part of the recommendation determination. The radiologist who did my test, has recommended “rescreening in 3 months OR having a PET scan now”. After talking to my primary care doctor, I have decided to see a pulmonologist and consult about my next step. That appointment is next Tuesday. 

Now - of course I want to ask my very dear friends here for prayers. Prayers that no matter the diagnosis, that I will have to strength to face it and do what I need to do! I am a bit stressed out, which is to be expected I think. Once I know what I am dealing with - I think that will help. 

I also wanted to share this story because I think that this test, although scary, is very important if you have a history of smoking. (I smoked for 40 years.) It is my understanding that since lung cancer often does not show symptoms, this screening tool gives us a chance to find things before they may be even worse. 

Thank you again to the many people here who have discussed their personal stories about this issue!! That is what inspired me to decide to finally do it!  It is another example of the great power of this place! Thank you! 

I will keep you posted! 

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I had one as well less than 2 months ago... It has not grown in a year.  They/I seem satisfied with that for now.  Thank you for sharing

Prayers sent your way.



My dearest friend----I just opened EX for the evening and saw this. I have a few tears dripping down my face....but I am drying them and being strong because YOU are so strong.

Do you remember, Kathy, what I said to you the first time you blogged on here? I said with your fantastic positive attitude you were definitely going to be successful. And that positive attitude will see you through this also. Holding you close in prayer......................



Thanks dear Sudie! You are so sweet! I have debated sharing here...I don’t always post a lot of personal stuff. However, I felt that this was an important message. No matter what - I am glad I did the test - I have got to be better off than if I had waited. Well, at least I hope so! I am very healthy for the most part - no prescriptions, lots of exercise, try to eat right, etc.....and I have no symptoms - so I think that just shows how important it is to consider this screening. 

Thanks again for your wonderful and supportive words! 


Strudel‌ I had my first low dose CT scan in 2015 and they have always found nodules, one time, they wanted a rescreen in 3 months and they scared me to death.  Turned out that they were seeing scar tissue from my lung surgery.  I just had another scan and it shows the same nodules that they PRESUME are benign, they recommend another scan in another year.  

Saying prayers for you and sending my love, it's terrifying not to know but I really think seeing a pulmonologist is a GREAT follow up. No matter are going to get through this.

Love and hugs,



Dear Dear Friend!

Knee Mail is going up as I type! However, I am confident that you will come through this! You are as strong as anyone I have ever know! Whatever comes next you will handle! And the members of this site will be with you every step of the way! 

You have my number, use it anytime! 24/7

HUGZ.       Tommy


I'm going to think of this as a nothing.  A minor blip on your health radar screen.  What that means is I'm not going to give it any power.  For sometimes when we give too much power in thought to something (especially by worrying)  it becomes something else. I don't know if I'm making any sense here.  Just know that my prayer is that this is nothing to worry about.  You have done the best thing you can do to prevent it from growing by stopping smoking.  Meanwhile you will gain more knowledge on Tuesday.  Education is what enables us to face what we need to face, I think.  And we all have learned that attitude plays a huge role in how we deal with the education we gain.  You have a strong, face front attitude.  And we're here with you to face whatever comes, Kathy.  Thank you for trusting us enough to share this.  It IS important.  Breathing peace into your dreams.


I'm  glad you took the test! Imagine if you had not - the results could be catastrophic. But I'm optimistic. I have nodules created by pneumonia. They have been tested but are not growing. I believe that may be true for you, too! Kathy, I know you have the faith to walk through this empowered - no matter what! Think of RBG and the amazing example she sets for all of us! My prayers won't stop but I know you'll be just fine! 


Thank you for sharing your story with us. I have been thinking about getting a scan for some time now but keep putting it off. Your story has inspired me so no more putting it off. My prayers are with you in this journey.



Prayers and healing thoughts being sent your way, Kathy!!  Scary words for anyone to hear but you handled them with the grace and courage I've always admired about you.  I hope you know we'll be with you in spirit every step of the way.  You are loved.  


Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers Kathy.


Oh my ... you have my prayers to accept the outcome no matter.  May Jesus give you strength.  I have thought to do this often since I developed asthma 10 years ago and pulmonology issues, but I still haven’t taken the plunge.  Keeping you close in my heart and placing you on my prayer list.  Blessings ~ Colleen


I've said this before.  I'm a firm believer in LGCT's.  I just had my third one a month ago and I have been a participant for years in on of the original studies to determine its efficacy (PLuSS Study).   They are much better for an early diagnosis than x-rays.  Glad you're seeing a Pulmonologist;  they're much more knowledgeable.  Just remember when they do any types of body scans, finding nodules are common in many organs.  Stay positive until then.  Please let us know what he/she has to say.



You should have one of these done.  There's nothing to it and it only takes a few minutes.



Terry - your response brings tears - because if even one person decides to do this and it helps in some way - I will be glad that I shared! It really is a simple test and I believe Medicare covers it - if that applies to you. Take care! 


Thank you all so very much! I am overwhelmed with this response - and as I told Terry above - if even one person is helped by this, I will be thrilled! As Giulia said, I am remaining very hopeful - no matter what! I am a worrier by nature - even about simple I am working on that! I usually do better once I know what I am facing. I am using chamomile tea and I just put an app on my phone which has soothing sounds and guided meditations for when I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t turn off that worrying brain! It worked well last night. (Well worth the $3.99 it cost! It is called “Sleep Easy”.)  Thanks to all again! 


Strudel‌ I know that YOU know that prayer works and please know that there are MANY prayers going up for you from many part of the country.  Sending you love and comforting hugs.  This is going to be alright.  It HAS to be!



Sending prayers up to join the others.  I know you know this - but let me remind you that worrying does nothing but steal THIS day, THIS evening, THIS night from you.  Allow what will be to be.  It will, anyway.

Thinking of you!



Good morning Kathy.  So sorry about your nodule.  I am a worrier too.  My pulmonologist wanted a PET scan right away.  When I arrived at the hospital at 7 a.m. by myself (I didn't want anyone else to go with me.) I looked at the paperwork the hospital secretary had received from my doctor's office.  The diagnosis said Lung Cancer.  I was devastated. It turned out to not be the case.  Hope this is a head's up to you or other's. Until they finish the tests it is not definitive  The radiologist deemed the nodules "scarring."  I have never had pneumonia but I had respiratory failure probably from allergy shots.  (I was given too much two times in a row,)  I was told by my primary care physician that the chance is 50/50.  I am praying for you dear lady.  Another thing I read is that they can come and go, get bigger or get smaller.  Thanks for sharing so other's can benefit.  I will keep my prayers coming and please keep us informed.  Love,  Barbara


Thank you Barbara ... I have seen a pulmonologist for about 10 years and developed asthma about 8 years ago...mostly allergy related...also I have struggled w pleurisy and a lung collapse when in the hospital years ago...anyways I am considered as having lung disease, but this winter has been the worse and when I see this post and read others I know it is time to have the scan ... I have lots of faith, but can say I am a little scared because this time when I went back to smoking I didn’t tell the Doctor...

thanks for listening ... needed to get that out ~ hugs Colleen


I "suspect" your pulmonolgist would be one of your biggest supporters.  I found this wonderful doctor (pulmonary) that has been so supportive of my quit.  I didn't need to see medically more than once a year to follow up on the CT scans,  but he had me coming back every 3 months to support me in my quit.  He was so excited for me every time I saw him.  Big high fives.  Along with the Ex, his support has a big impact on me.


Strudel‌...Good on you for having the test, and keep on your follow up!!  As you know, I've "been there done that", and early detection is the key.  The other keys are keeping a positive attitude and lots of prayer and support .  I know that's what got me thru.   Of course you need to follow your pulmonologist's recommendations, (but I'd want the PET scan sooner rather than later)

Take deep breaths, read all you can, find out your best courses of treatment in your area, ask lots of questions, consider SABR treatment (nonsurgical...stands for stereotactic ablative radiation) if offered to you and available in your area.

I have lots of nodules, they come and go, my doc calls them "probable copd nodules" and none have caused much concern so far on my frequent follow up CTs and PET-CTs.  My cancer is dead, nothing but resolving scar tissue in that area of my lung from the SABR treatment.

You are in my prayers for a benign diagnosis!


I just want to add, for everyone,  if you have smoked in the last 15 years, or still smoke, have the LDCT done.  A negative one can be a great source of reassurance that you're fine, or the best early detection tool available if something is starting up.  As someone said prior, they are a better for early detection than regular x-rays for lung cancer.   I had to push my doc to order it, but over the last 2 1/2 years things have changed, the medical profession is more aware.  


Strudel you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Love you Kathy and prayers lifted for you in MY Lord Jesus name amen- thank you so much for sharing- gentle hug.


I have nodule also. It has been rechecked twice and not grown.

I was told by pulmonologist not to worry but get scan done every 2 yrs.

As with me, your nodule is probably nothing to worry about. Most ex smokers have them and also people who live in a high dust area, for example the desert.

Prayers and thoughts your way.



Yes I am saying a prayer for you. I hope all will be ok. 


With all you’re going through, thank you for taking the time to share with us.

Praying for a positive outcome.



You will be in my prayers! Try not to stress as of yet! Meditate and do breathing exercises!  Reflect in your faith! We are all here for you! I know how scary this is for you!

(((( BIGHUGS ))))) ❤ 


Yes - RBG is definitely a great inspiration! 

Community Manager
Community Manager


Thanks for posting and sharing.  It is important to have LDCT scans.  I know it has been recommended in the past also by dr_hays‌ as well. As well as by many others on the community as well. I'll certainly be thinking about you.  Thanks for being an inspiration to others here on EX!

EX Community Manager


Thinking about you, Kathy.  Let us know how your appointment went.  Prayers up.


I'm just reading this now I came to your home page to find it, I'm sending up good thoughts and prayers for you dear Kathy that you are going to be A OK, huge caring hug coming your way ......


I’ll keep you in my prayers, Strudel. Stay strong. 


I mentioned earlier that I participated in the PLuSS study to determine the efficacy of lung CT scans.    I just received my annual follow-up. I can't believe I've been a participant since 2003.  Of course they ask if you've been diagnosed with cancer since last years questionnaire.

I am so excited.  Then they ask:

   Have you smoked in the last 30 day?    NO

   When did you quit?   3-13-18

   How many times did you quit smoking for one year or longer?  Never

   This is the first time since 2003 that I've bee able to answer these questions with a positive responses.

Thanks EXers!!!!!



This is great news, and you are about to enter the 6% club!  Good for you Barb!  10 days to go, and you'll be celebrating 365 days of being FREE! 

I remember how good it felt to start answering the question, "Do you smoke" ?   Funny, I use to hear that question so loud and clear, and now it's like they never even ask me that question!  At least I don't hear it if they do!  Perhaps I sometimes even answer it before they ask too!  lol!   

I am going to try to make it for your celebration Barb!  It's a huge deal, it is!!!!!

About the Author
I live in Greensboro, North Carolina. I have 2 cats - Monet and Holly. I retired from teaching special education in 2004 and then taught part-time until 2013. I quit smoking on June 12, 2010 after smoking for 40 years! I am amazed daily - still - by the glory of freedom!