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Share your quitting journey

Limits! (Edited repost from 10/20/10)

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Good afternoon all! I woke up this morning to realize that there are limits to what I can do! And, there are limits to what I should do! Seems as though they are all physical! I can not fly (wish I could)! I can not run a four minute mile (dont want to)! I can not lift 600 lbs in the clean & jerk! (why would anyone?)!

Then there are the limits of what my mind can do! All of them are self imposed limits! Today, there are limitless posibilities of what I can accomplish! If I can conceive an idea, I can nurture it into reality! And so can you! I am setting some goals today, and I will reach them! I am not going to try to set your goals for you! But, I am going to suggest that one of them should be to love yourself! Love yourself enough to avoid self destruction! Smoking is a terrible way that we have beaten ourselves up! STOP IT! Your mind has the power to overcome this!!  We all can do this if we set our minds to it! Make up your mind! Be firm in your committment!! WE DON"T DO THAT ANYMORE! Your mind can do this! FOCUS on the benefits of quitting! Never lose your DETERMINATION to be healthy for yourself, and for those that love you! Today, the possibilities have no limits! What is your dream? What are YOU going to do about it?           Tommy