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Last day before I quit...

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I am actually happy the day is almost here. Right now I know if I need one I can go out and have one, which in a way stresses me out. At least tomorrow I know that is not an option anymore. I am the type of person that as soon as something happens to stress me out I am lighting up. I now know that smoking doesn't make the situation easier and it actually makes things more stressful. I feel ready for tomorrow and I know I have to do this for myself and my family. Both of my Mom's parents died of lung cancer and she still smokes. She has agreed to quit with me tomorrow, but I don't know how committed she is. I really hope she sticks it out with me. I actually want a cigarette this morning, but I know it isn't going to make me feel better or even be enjoyable because of the Chantix. Smoking really doesn't do anything for me now that I have been on Chantix. I feel like my body is craving that feeling, but I know I'm not going to get it. Yesterday I made myself look at tons of pictures and videos of lung cancer and that really helped reinforce the many benefits of this decision.