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I threw my last can away in early July 2019. I have not looked back! I am done! My goal was to be free from Chewing for my kids 15th Birthday. August 27th! I can say so far I have done it. No slips no dips! No meds just stopped! 

Thanks Ex program for checking up on me! I only ask that you build a program directed at the chewers that want to quit. We all use the same drug but in very different ways! 

Thank you for releasing me from the Grip of Big Tobacco!  


Good morning, Gtatonka -- Happy to hear you're more than a month nicotine free!  I think your suggestion to expand our groups to include one for chewers is a great idea, and I hope the administrators agree.  In the meantime, keep up the good work!


Way to go!! So happy for you!!


Welcome and please take what HELPS and let go of the rest to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you - tobacco nicotine and all the chemicals added to it in a pack in a can in a liquid pod - addiction is addiction and cancer is cancer - I am very glad YOUR choosing to be DRUG NICOTINE FREE - regardless - dip - puff - vaping - chewing - inhale - toke - snort - however WE USE to use drug NICOTINE NOT TODAY - WE are united in OUR NEW MINDSET-  NICOTINE FREE TOGETHER  - ONE BREATHE AT A TIME TOGETHER - one moment - one minute - WE - US - OUR - TOGETHER Not One Puff Ever - no matter what lifes throws at us - Yahoooooooooo- CONGRATS TO YOU - victory over YOU - GOOD JOB -  Yahoooooooooo and WAY TO GO! gentle hug


Congratulations on your success.  I don't know if you are aware of this link.Quitting Chewing Tobacco | BecomeAnEX  It may be a start to help someone else.  We call it paying it forward by sharing your EXperience.  We need you. Quitting Chewing Tobacco | BecomeAnEX 


Wow! Thank you!

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