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Krazy Kat Lady Kim

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Hey guys! It's almost 2 months smober boy does time fly when you're having fun (or not) lol I need some help my friend gave me a cat today his name is Harvey and he's a year and a half old. While I was told he's low maintenance and litter trained and such, he's shy and I forgot that they could fit in the most awkward places! How do I warm him up and make him come around? I tried scratching his head as I was told to do but he jumped then I jumped and it was a mess from there. He's behind the printer now after I got him out of my shelf in the kitchen. Will he come around on his own? Should I keep bugging him? Im just lost!


let it get used to it's surroundings if you just got it. I'd get a collar with a bell so you can locate it until you know it's hiding places. When you feel he's comfortable, sit in your normal place and make sure he can see you and just pat your thigh gently and call to him.


While you're watching your youngsters put a little tiny stuffed toy on a string of yarn and dangle it from your knee as if you are paying no attention to the cat. Be patient. just pretend you're doing it for no reason. Kitty will come around - sooner or later! The more you ignore it - the more it will want your attention.


Once they are friendly with you, you can set some boundaries such as staying out in the open instead of hiding with a

"NO NO!"


Well we have acquired an office cat - a stray that needed a new home.  He/she is residing now in our warehouse with plenty of food, water, and a place to poop.  Lots of places to hide in there.  Getting a little friendlier but not much.  Hoping that he/she will come around. Looking forward to more responses on this blog.


I can't wait to develop an actual friendship with him! In the meantime I have to give him his time. My friend had him since he was 8 weeks old and she doesn't have kids so this is all new to him which is totally understandable. Thanks for your advice!


Awww congrats on the new kitty. Ours were all barn cats and aside from taking them for vaccines/ worming and keeping food and water out for them...they had the run of stables,lol I’m. Im not much help, Harvey sounds adorable though


All of the advice above is great, you might also try some small cat toys...maybe some catnip...I have had cats who LOVED it and others who looked at me like I was crazy to think they were going to eat that stuff.  Cats all have their own personalities, he definitely needs to get used to the environment, I wouldn't push him unless you are fearful that he will hurt himself or break something.  We have two indoor cats, one from a shelter and one who was a feral rescue.  They are both pretty shy around new people.  One sleeps on my bed every night, it was her choice...neither of them are lap cats.  One plays like he is possessed, running from one end of the house to the other....back and forth and back and forth.  We also have a feral cat who has been on this lot for YEARS...he was here before the fire and he stuck around afterwards.  He stayed through the fire, the demolition, and the rebuild.  He lets my husband and me pet him, I even comb him for fleas every day.  We let him into the basement so he has cover from the elements and he has a little heated house down there.  We cannot pick him up but we have trapped him more than once and gotten him to the vet for shots and to get him neutered.  I would LOVE to let him inside but I have no idea how the three of them would get along.  We did train him to use a litter box because he had never seen one.  He showed up here when he was still a kitten and he has always been very skittish.  When my son or daughter come to visit, he will hide, even if he has been on the porch looking happy and relaxed...takes off like a wild animal and hides. He will not come back out until they leave.  He's a funny guy.  Remember, cats are a lot like people, they are all different, they all have their own personalities.  Some are introverts, some are extroverts.  With love and patience, he can be a wonderful addition to your family and can teach your kids gentleness.  I love the name...Harvey.  Congratulations on your new family member...




Oh, I should have mentioned that the feral cat who lives outdoors took a full year to allow me to pet him...I started just gently touching his tail when I would sit out on the deck...he used to sneak up on me and bite the back of my legs...I guess it was to get my attention, it worked.   We named him Pesci after the actor because he is short and a bit snarky.


My married daughter has had two cats for the past 5 years. They just got two more and are working them into the family gradually giving them their own room but I think they have one of those cat gates so the old cats can see the new ones and they can gradually get used to each other.


Our cats have "met" through the screen on an open window...I think the males might get along...they sort of look alike but the female goes crazy making noises and putting her ears down smacking at the screen.  She is very small but she was also feral and feral males supposedly kill kittens, I am not sure if her reaction is instinctive or what.  We had a screen door in our old house to separate two cats and when we got the third one...everything changed.  The cat who had been incredibly aggressive became very docile, the cat who had been terrified became the caretaker of the new cat.  It was crazy...the door came down and all three of them lived very amicably together.  They were the three we lost in the fire.  This cat has never been an indoor cat so I am not sure how he would adjust.  He is a tabby and his stripes make him look even rounder than he might be...between the stripes and his short legs, he is really funny.  I love him.  I love all of them.  I might be the REAL Crazy Cat Lady.


I've rescued quite a few kitties that didn't want anything to do with me at first.  I was patient and let them do things on their terms and eventually they came around. One of my cats I found had a severe leg injury and was scared of everyone especially men. I really think she was abused.  She constantly hissed and growled at everyone. Trying to get her leg healed was very challenging because she kept ripping the stitches out which meant more trips to the vet and less trust from her.    Eventually it healed and she learned to trust me "on her terms". I got her some treats and every week I would move them treats closer to me.  It took her a year to trust me enough to sit at the other end of the sofa from where I was. After that it wasn't long before she say next to me, then on me.  Then she turned into my shadow.  She turned out to be the best cat I ever had.  A piece of advice though, I will never put another collar on any of my cats again.  I had one of those break away collar that evidently didn't work properly or the cat was too light and one of my cats hung himself on a piece of furniture .  I happened to be there when it happened so the cat was fine.  Be patient, kitty will come around 


If no one else knows I know you know about cats! Harvey is a indoor cat he's never been outside. He's been behind the printer almost 5 hours now I hope he eat and do his business in the litter when we go to bed my friend told me he'll explore more when the house is settled down. He's not big on toys but I did get him a scratching board with built in catnip. 


He'll settle in...he is not likely to do his business behind the printer and as long as he knows where the litter box is and where the food is...he will come out and explore.  The fact that he has always been an indoor cat is a plus.  Why did your friend re-home him?  That's kind of traumatic for a cat.  I hope he settles in well...


As long as he knows where the litter is, he will use it. Pinch some of that catnip between your fingers and see if you can get him to acknowledge it?


Agree with the suggestions above.  The best way I know to get a cats attention is to ignore them.  lol  Cats also gravitate to boxes.  So if you can get a nice empty box from the grocery store,  just a bit bigger than the cat, put it on it's side and leave one flap open. They feel safe and protected in small spaces.

How to Catch a Cat.jpg



The toy on a string is a good way to grab his attention to get him to come out, just keep your movements calm and slow. Since he is an indoor and no kids cat, the noises will take awhile for him to adjust to. They can actually go a couple of days without food/water, just make sure it is available and more then likely he will sneak out when it is quiet at night, eat, use the litter box and explore. Ignoring him and letting him come to you, set a treat out for him just out of your reach will bring him near, don't approach him the first few times, but do allow him to smell you. Before you know it he will just be another thing always underfoot. Being indoors he will hide in low areas for awhile and move to look for high spots to park since they like to take in the environment from high ground so make sure he has access to different areas high and low. Have fun with the fur baby.




He's STILL behind the printer lol I don't think he used the litter since we've been here! He can take all the time he needs long as he's doing good things like putting his business where it belong and not scratching the furniture we'll be ok. This remind me of when I got Lucy she came from being severely neglected her spot was behind the couch for at least a week enough treats and love got her warmed up. The boys won't leave him alone though they aren't touching him they are laying on the floor looking at him every chance they get. I'm over excited I want him in my bed and everything eventually. elvan‌ she rehomed him because they have 2 dogs another cat and now a puppy all living inside. Well Harvey would swat at the puppy but they play different so Harvey would always end up crying out and she didn't want Harvey to get hurt. At least that's what she told me I consider him a blessing. 


Then he WILL be a blessing.  It will take time, he's scared and doesn't understand these NEW "PUPPIES" far as scratching the furniture...I have one who is a royal pain in the butt, I have scratching posts all over my living room to keep him away from the couch and the chairs. He drives me crazy scratching the furniture.  I don't think I have ever had one so determined to scratch...oh and also to throw everything off the kitchen island...good thing he's cute.  Maybe after the kids are in bed, Harvey will come and find you.