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Share your quitting journey

Knowing When It's The Right Time...

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Today was SUPPOSED to be my Big Day. But i made the decision last evening, in the midst of pain med withdrawals, that quitting today would not be the best idea. Some of my supporters think that I should stick to my quit date no matter what, and are upset with me. But from what I've been reading, it is essential to pick a quit date without built-in setbacks. I would say that going through another set of withdrawals is pretty much a built-in setback.

So I'm continuing my reading, continuing tracking my smokes, continuing blogging and reading forums. I'm preparing for my quit. I am fully committed to being an ex-smoker. Every time I light up and choke and wheeze from my emphysema, every morning when I wake up with a horrible migraine, every time I look at my bank account bleeding money to the tobacco companies, every time I smell my clothing, my nicotine sweat, my stinky apartment, my commitment renews.

But the first week is critical. And anyone who's been through pain med withdrawals, knows that the heebie-jeebies of skin crawlies, the vomiting and diarrhea, the headaches, all of it put one in a state of mind that is not conducive to any positive endeavor. This situation is due to my wheelchair being broken and needing a ride to go pick up my script at the pain clinic. As soon as I can get a ride to pick up my meds, the situation will correct itself. Things will be back on track for my quit, and my new life as an EX.

About the Author
Third time's the charm (this time around >.<) Have emphysema n CHF n still much difficulty putting the coffin nails down. Shut-in, wheelie, volunteer w homeless and activist on social justice issues, when well enough. Lifelong Student.