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Keep telling myself NOPE

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I'm stressed, hit with moments of "why bother", hit with emotions of loss ( just past the 1st anniversary of my dads death), I'm stressed. I just keep telling myself NOPE and keep grabbing my breath mints and coming to this site to read. I know smoking will do nothing positive for me, but it was a really close call this morning.

My husband drove his lawn mower over to mom's house to mow. I knew he would be gone about an hour so I spent the time making phone calls. One to change the location of his cardiologist appointment and one to get my "specialty medicine" for my MS. I use a copay assistance and the payments did not go through the last two months so I had a balance of just under $6000, I freaked and I got off the phone and headed to where the cigarettes are kept. My roommate already left for the day, but he has 3 packs up on the shelf. The same brand that I used to smoke, the same brand that my roommate and I would take turns buying by the carton. The same area that I have kept my breath mints so I would grab one of those instead of the pack. Today I came so close to not even going for the breath mints. For the first time since I quit almost 8 months ago I was thinking about grabbing a pack and heading outside. For the last 8 months I have always had the thought of "NOPE, just grab a breath mint". Today I did not and it scared the crap out of me. I quickly grabbed a breath mint and went down to the basement- I had laundry to move, I have access to a pool table and darts and not a cigarette in site downstairs in the basement. By the time I finished my breath mint, moved laundry and came back upstairs I was past the initial thought of smoking, but it lingered for a few hours and I have probably gone through more breath mints today then I have in the past month. Now more breath mints are on the grocery list for tomorrow, well worth it to have my tools in place and to know I made it through another day without smoking.

I think I got the  co-pay assistance worked out. I cannot get my meds refilled till Monday, but since I will be out of town I have it scheduled for next Thursday delivery. They think I have a weeks supply left, but it's more like a six week supply left, shh don't tell anyone, but I hoard RX drugs ~grin~. Monday I go in for a brain and cervical MRI with and without contrast to a facility 3 1/2 hrs  away. Then Tuesday hubby goes to see his neurologist in the big city, near where I get my MRI's.  I do love the small town living (moved here just over 3 years ago), but with chronic illnesses it sucks finding local medical help so both my husband and I have kept our neurologists in the big city and travel a couple times a year. We do get to visit with some friends Monday night so that will be nice.

Today, since I had not given smoking  a serious though in weeks, was truly hard. I made it through because I had my physical/mental quit kit handy though. I grabbed my breath mints and I removed myself from temptation by going down to the basement. I am kinda glad my husband was gone this morning too. If he would have been here and said/done the wrong thing I probably would have said screw it and started smoking again just to make him feel guilty even though he has done nothing wrong (outside of continuing to smoke, but that's a whole other story).

I am grateful for this site, for all of the wonderful people here who have helped in more ways then they can imagine.

Hold tight to your quits.


225 DOF

About the Author
I quit smoking Oct 31st 2017. It was hard, I had rough moments, but even with my husband and roommate smoking I kept from smoking since I decided to do it for me. Aug 7th 2018 my husband quit smoking. September 18 my world was turned upside down as my husband died in front of me. February 19, 2019 I took a few tries after my husband passed, but I am no longer a smoker.