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Just needed to vent a little.

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I was just thinking how odd it is that i've chosen to make the decision to make myself feel miserable by not smoking and i can just as easily chose to make the decision to make myself feel better by having a smoke. To be honest, although one's health is always a good reason in itself to quit, the main reason my husband and i are quitting is because we simply can't afford to be paying over $7 for each pack of smokes..and that's the generic brand that we smoked. Buying 3 packs every other day between both of us was simply out of hand. Spending over $21 every 2 days for cigarettes is just insane. So in a way i guess you can say we were forced to quit. Now we have that extra money to put to better use. All this said, right now i still would like to go outside and relax with a smoke. I would feel so much better..mentally. But i won't do that because I AM A NON-SMOKER!! I guess i'm just having..another..bad day 😞
you will be fine, just hang on, you have been here before so you know how hard it is early on, but hey it gets so much better, right? You will feel better and look better and smell better, think of the positivesz:)
You might be well served to spend some time learning about nicotine addiction, which in turn, will start to change your mindset about "feelling worse" if you don't smoke and "feeling better" if you do. Or to change the false idea that smoking "relaxes" you. The more you can come to view nicotine addiction accurately, the easier it will be for you to move forward in your quit. Cost is a nice motivation, but it will help you if you add to that.
Thanks, Cindy. I know, I just hate having to go through all of this again. It's not any easier than it was the first time, that's for sure. I just want one so bad but i know i can't do that because i know darn well what will happen. Then i'll REALLY be p o'd at myself. How long have you been quit?
You're right, hwc. When i signed on to this site i also checked out other sites that people told me about and i know what you're talking about. I already put them in my Favorite's List on my pc. Now i guess i better go and start reading everything that's on them. I skimmed over some parts on those sites and did find them to be quite interesting. I'm going to go and read more. Thanks for your input.
Hi Jeanne I ma now on 60 days as of tomorrow and Chuck there is an old timer:) We are here for you!
where are you at on your quit?
there are some great folks here and you should go over to Candid Quitters and do some reading, it will help you and relapse traps too!
Hi Cindy, i am on day 5 today and thank you for commenting. I will check out that Candid Quitters. I can use all the help i can get.
i know what you mean. i can relate. i think we've all been there. i needed to quit. i wanted to quit. but i'm with you, i hate paying those outrageous prices! and it's only going to get worse. i think more and more people will quit as the price skyrockets. keep hanging around here. you'll get some good suggestions and encouragement.
Smiles, 😉
Cory, you're so right about the cost of smokes. I honestly never thought that i would see the day where the cost of a pack of smokes would make me quit but it did. No doubt i believe there are alot more people quitting now just because of the cost. I wouldn't be surprised if before the end of this year we could see $10 a pack. Can you imagine that! This is insane. Well even though i know i've been forced to quit now, i know it's going to be all for the best in alot of ways. I just don't like having to go through this withdrawal crap.
You know what helped me - I still take 'break's but they are just not smoke breaks! You can go outside and pretend smoke with a cut off drinking straw, or just breathe the air deeply like you did as a smoker. Take the time for yourself and still have your break. We can be happy ex smokers, I promise. The only thing that is different is that you are not poisoning yourself and making yourself broke. Nothing else changes - your life is not over, it will only improve. You will look and smell better and you will have more money. Also important to me is that I LICKED IT - I KICKED THE HABIT - I FOUGHT IT AND I WON. One should be proud of this - I was telling my son about it today how I have to pat myself on the back because it's a good thing I did. If you want, I can send you the pdf file of Allen Carrs book = The EasyWay to stop smoking if you send me your e-mail address. It makes so much sense!!!