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Just joined and preparing for a whacked out quit

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Hey guys, Just joined and have been reading through a lot of the blog posts.

I'm 45, have quit probably a dozen times with two quits being between 3 and 6 months. I had a scare a couple months ago where humidity resulted in me needing inhaler more than normal and nurse practioner had my resting heart rate at 118 (vs normal 56-58). BP was also up. The odd thing is my bp is usually really low - it's been a reason why I've had trouble with quitting in the past.

I'd been smoking 2-3 packs a day.  I really have to go for harm reduction now but the time is not a good one. So the steps I am taking are a bit odd. But I know myself and know what my smoking issues are. I've been cutting back the past 2 days on regular cigarettes and having e-cigarettes. I'm breaking the patterns with normal cigarettes. I'm now at 1 hr 7 min between. Tomorrow each will get increased 2 minutes. I have 84 cigarettes left but suspect I may not use them all. Once I stop analog cigarettes, I'll do 2-3 days of e-cigs only then flip over to the patch for a week then drop nicotine entirely. I have the e-cigs, patches and tons of juice ready. Also have 300 stir sticks. 🙂

I've gone through the Whyquit prep, read Allen Carr's Easy Way.... next up is