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Share your quitting journey

Just for fun lets be honest.

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To all who have quit what do you miss about smoking? Please state only the good things...

To you who are about to quit list all the things you think you are going to miss about smoking.


Since I am one whom has quit heres my answer..I can not think of one good think about my 35+ years of smoking...I will check back later to see what interesting answers we have gathered....Have a good day I got my walk in and now I am going to clean house. I am feeling so good these days especially since I started a exrcise program and have lost 12 pounds.And I can breathe..Eating healthier helps too..Deb


I agree Deb, I don't  miss smoking.  AND all the times I thought were good times smoking were really a lie.  Maybe the times were good...but they would have been better if I had been fully present and able to enjoy my life without the constant distraction of my addiction.  Sometimes I have weird moments when I think "shouldn't I be doing something right now?"  And realize that it is smoking.  I started running and eating better and I think it makes quitting a whole lot better and keeps me sane.   


Zero  Zip Nada..  These are all the good things about smoking to me!! 


Aww comeon guys... Do you mean to tell me that you don't miss stinky clothes, cars and homes, burn holes in the carpets, waking up with a mouth that smells and tastes likes an ashtray, flushing 5-8 dollars a day down the drain, ruining your health with every puff....    Me either.  I do not miss one thing!!!


Sixty five days ago, or so, I would have to say that I missed that coffee with a cigarette in the morning, but then I got educated. Now I know that it was  pleasurable ONLY because I had a brain disorder producing improper amounts of dopomine, which of course kept me on the roller coaster of nicotine addiction.

After just 10 days, or less quit, I realized that the wonderful coffee early in the morning is immeasurably better without the cigarettes.  I am so thankful for this.


I miss not being skinny... but I'm NOT going to smoke over it! 


OH... I miss  being skinny....    I guess that's what I ment to say! 

Other than that I miss NOTHING about smoking!    My body is much healthier now!  A bit bigger.. but life is SO much better!


What do I miss about smoking?  Nothing! 

I love to wake up after 84 days of not smoking and be able to breath without coughing up a lung. 🙂 


Nuttin huney!!!


I don't miss a thing! I'm in a much better place physically, emotionally and spiritually without cigarettes.


I miss Sandee being skin............. No, wait! I think Sandee is fantastic just the way she is!!

I used to think I missed the pause!    In trying times when I needed to say something intelligent, I would pause, light a cigarette, and take a deep drag. Then I would blow it out very slowly! This gave me time to think of something brilliant. Never occurred to me how hard it is to seem smart while you are doing something stupid!!!


LMAO @ pir8fan! You thought you were so smart! 🙂


 lmao @ pir8fan, 🙂    71 days ago id be with patty, but today i can honestly say.. NADA, I miss not one thing and proud to say Iam a non smoker :))


Too funny Tommy!

I would have said the comraderie with other smokers - but that would have been before I quit. Now there is nothing that I miss. I am so happy to be free and have control of my life back. I feel so empowered!!


I'm one who is about to quit (well, in about 20 days). Six days ago when I first seriously decided to quit, I could've written out a long list. Thing is, these are the triggers! These are the things that we fight with when we quit. This is why I've tried so hard in the last few days to deal with these triggers and now when I honestly think about it, I'm not missing any particular one.

 Don't get me wrong, I get the urges and sometimes they are associated with my old triggers, but I never smoke when I have an urge or if it's near one of the triggers. Right now I'm just smoking less and less every day and feeling good about that.

 And I gotta tell ya, when you actively work on these things in advance, it kind of takes away the joy I used to think I was feeling at those times. Bummer huh? Not a bit! So I don't think I'm going to miss a single one!


I miss the yellow finger. It added color to a dreary world


Hey Maggie,  the comraderie with the exers is a super replacement. Besides cn't smoke on-line LOL !! 


Not one thing!!!!


Possibly the friendship.....the cigarette was always selfish, taking more than it gave, but it was always reliable, on time, and available.

As you can see, the brainwashing can really take a toll on ones mind....


NOTHING - absolutely nothing!! (Well - maybe I miss when Tommy THOUGHT he was smart!! Just kidding Tommy! )


Yeah, I really miss coughing my lungs up 25 times a day. I drove everyone crazy with the hacking and throat clearing. How gross!. I didn't even realize I was doing it! I also miss having my sinuses close up like someone poured concrete into them every night. That was a lot of fun.


Today is day one...this was helpful.


I miss the burn holes in my clothes! It's a STYLE STATEMENT!


Jonescarp yellow root will give you that yellow finger back if its important lol


Okay, don't hate me, but I miss the DOPAMINE!!! Well, we are being honest, right?


after work, in my outside smoking chair, relaxing, all alone, chain smoking........driving. smoking and listening to loud music in the moonlight and the top down blowing smoke out and watching it. blow the beach on a hot day with a beer and after a at my lake house drinking whiskey with all my freinds and smoking by the campfire....oh but wait""""""""" i have done all these smoke free now alot of times and dont even miss smoking...but the whiskey sure smokes me haha Honestly if i knew icould smoke and get away with it not killing me and making me feel like crap i would smoke it just went to crappy fast and who needs more craphaha