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Just broke up and threw away 17 cigs!!

0 7 15

 The last pack with 17 cigs left I just broke into tiny pieces and threw in the trash! I'm fed up; it's time to take my life back! I admit, I'm not ready for the withdrawals, feeling foggy, the forgetfulness, anger, irritation, crying, anxiety, but I'm going to go through in order to be free from this addiction once and for all. SIGH---feeling a big burden have been lifted already; God help me!


Congratulations, cain!!!  You CAN do this!  Remember to be HAPPY about this wonderful change you are making in your life.  It may not feel so wonderful for the first few days, but  keep reminding yourself that you will feel SO wonderful and proud of yourself when you realize that you are no longer a slave to cigarettes!

Make sure that you have a plan on how to distract your brain and your hands and your senses of taste and smell when an urge hits.  Keep your distractions near you no matter where you go.  If you need ideas on what kinds of distractions have worked for other people, just ask here on EX.  The suggestions will start pouring in!

Stay close to us here on the site over the next few days.  Blog about anything.  Just don't let yourself get to feeling like you are isolated!

Finally, make an ABSOLUTE PROMISE to yourself:  If you EVER feel like you are about to give up your Quit, that you will FIRST come to EX and put "HELP" in the title of your blog.  Doing that will probably keep you from making a decision that you will regret!

Don't think abouit tomorrow.  Just deal with today.  Hour by hour.  MInute by minute, if need be.  You CAN do it, cain.  WE did it, so of course you can do it, too!

xxxooo,   Sky


Thank you Sky Girl, that is very good advice and wisdom. I promise if I ever feel in trouble, I will wait until I'm able to ask for help on here before I do anything else. Thanks, again.


It's not that bad to quit first few weeks are a little tough you've been to the 3 week mark need to look at the overall picture of health and freedom and protect your quit at all cost you can do it(:


Just go farther this time. You were almost through before.

It's a liar and gives you nothing good


God will help but only if you let Him!! He gave us a brain to make DECISIONS and CHOICES!! Please make the right onesfor your own good!!

Candy     d170


You can do it !!! I know it. how great did that feel breaking them up into little bits? really great !!!  it is not that you are giving up anything good !  you are giving up nothing. you decided to stop smoking that its. don't buy them or bum them or smoke them. done.

I started coloring again. yep. silly? not for me. it works. feel like i want a cig. go color a picture. LOL it works. !!! find something fun to distract yourself.


You CAN do this...those first days are when the drug is desperately trying to hang on to you.  Every minute, every hour without those "things" is an accomplishment.  I watered my leftovers that were in an open pack down and I gave several unopened packs along with coupons and lighters away.  I did not want to look at them and on my last quit, I thought I could just hold one in my hand and smell it and the urge would go away, yeah, well that did NOT happen.  I am not even sure how long the last quit was, the one before that was just over three weeks.  Right now,  I am on day 39 and it IS getting better.  The urges come and the urges go, it doesn't really seem to matter what I do as long as I don't smoke.  You are choosing not to smoke, keep choosing!