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Share your quitting journey

Joined EX two years ago, back again...

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I accidentally ran across this website once again and I'm glad I did. I actually joined a couple of years back and just logged in for the first time in a long time.

Unfortunately, I'm sorry to say I haven't quit. I would love to quit. I hate having the smell on my clothes. I hate that I end up smoking a cigarette within half an hour after brushing my teeth. I hate the constant worry that comes with wondering when i'll get my next fix or how i'll scrape the money together for another pack. I REALLY hate how much money I spend! 

I love the support that is available on this website. I hope to make a quit date soon. Are there any suggestions? I've tried the inhaler and the patches and the gum. Personally, I would like the best way to quit is cold-turkey. I don't want that nicotine in my body period. I want to be independent from it completely!


Run, don't walk to and You can't keep dithering around about this -- it's a decision you want to make and follow thru on and all you need is a few basic pointers. Believe me, it's not as hard as it seems! Astonisingly easy once the decision is made... urges are nothing -- fleeting moments is all. No one tells you this -- all the wind up is in the decision and determination -- easy beans after that.


I found that it was important fo rme to remain closely connected with my reasons for quitting.  I need to make my quit personal, not just a laundry list of all the normal reasons why we should not smoke.  We all know it causes cancer, is too expensive, stinks, etc.  That means nothing in general, but once I got conencted with my addiction, these reasons took on a new meaning to me.  They mattered.  I realized, surprise, I matter.  I need to quit for me.


I agree with using the web sites above - and - plus, Allen Carr's book - "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" really helped me. (I especially liked The best help - sticking around here! Be sure to read lots of blogs for info, tips, support, etc. I didn't use a nicotine replacement - but I did use a prescription for Welburtin. There are many ideas on here about the way to go...explore, discuss, decide. Congrats on your decision to quit!!


"I've tried the inhaler and the patches and the gum."

So now that you have burned (pun intended) through those crutches, it is time to do it on your own. When stop smoking aids and NRTs don't work, it allows you to have something to blame your failure on.  When you quit cold turkey, the only thing that you can blame is the person in the mirror. Lucy is right, everyone tells you it is going to be SOOO hard.  I sucks for a few days, you've been killing yourself for years, so a few bad days is TOTALLY worth a better, smoke free life. Make yourself accountable understand your addiction and just don't smoke. It really is that easy.