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Share your quitting journey

It takes time to relearn life!

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It takes time to get through the roller coaster ride into that good place in your quit where you realize how much better life is as an EX Smoker Non Smoker or EXer it doesn't matter what you call it as long as you stick with your quit, if we stop and think about how decades we smoked then it only makes sense that it's bound to take time because every blessed thing we did was wrapped around them from the moment we opened our eyes until the moment we went to the bed BUT thankfully with commitment and perseverance we can and will succeed in living a life of Freedom and it's so worth every bit of the cravings and moodswings and lack of sleep to be Free! I remember the brain fog and feeling like I was crawling out of my skin, I remember laughing one moment and snotting like a baby the next and there were definetly times that I could've ripped off someones face  anyones face it really didn't matter whose all they had to do was look at me the wrong way BUT with the help of this community I made it through and you will to BUT you MUST stick with N.O.P.E ~ Not One Puff Ever N.M.W ~ No Matter What ~ it works when applied on a daily basis.....


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About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....