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It's the little things that turn out to be huge!!

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Today I feel humbled, loved, supported, encouraged, strong, happy, powerful and a little choked up.

This morning was not all that wasn't even 7am and I was already having a day and usually that points the direction on how the remainder of the day is going to go! And today was looking to be a very bad one...but then Mama Bear entered my office (I introduced "Mama Bear" in my blog yesterday, she is my boss) and that woman can make an entire room light up just by her presence!!  You need a boost in your day, just go talk to Debbi aka "Mama Bear!" She informed me that she had gotten me a present, a present because I wasn't smoking anymore!  A $20 gift card to Starbucks...Oh sweet,sweet coffee!! Now that completely made my day, but also left me a little choked up because that, to me, meant so much more than just a $20 coffee card!! It's the little things that can have a much larger impact on someone. You may be one person in the world, but you may mean the world to one person, and Mama Bear means the world to me!! 

Here is to 21 days..three weeks...I am a tigress, hear me ROAR!!


Sweet!  I want to work for your boss.  


HEY!!! You are scaring my camels!!!

Great work hun. 21 days is so terrific. Keep that quit going.

Larry the CaravanMaster


LOL!! Sorry Caravan Master! 😉 I'll try to keep it down!! HUGS Larry!!


That's awesome.  Great to have such support from your boss.  You just made me hate my job even more.  LOL  Great job on 21 days!!


Congratulations !! ROAR ON !!

Keep calm and carry on




We all want to work for Mama Bear. Are you guys hiring?

It is the little things that mean so much. Glad you've got such a great boss!

Does she get to hear your ROAR? 🙂


I told you I liked Mama Bear..... Great!


She gets to hear me ROAR everyday she wants to or not! 😉 She is amazing and I am so blessed to have a job I love and a boss I love even more! 🙂


Well, suffice it to say, I'm jealous, however I did stand up in a meeting today in Richmond and told everyone that I have the best boss in the company....of course he was sitting next to me!  Way to brown nose, huh? But, I did walk away with a new ipad and a Subway gift card! I am a Leo, so I may just ROAR with you tonight!

I'm very happy for you, enjoy your new life! Quitting is the best thing I've ever done FOR MYSELF. I can tell you feel the same about your quit. Keep that great attitude and you'll keep your quit.


Guess what Moody, I'm a Leo too and I would be honored if you'd ROAR with me with tonight!! 🙂

Nice bown nosing technique you have and AWESOME gifts!! 🙂


Wow what an awesome boss you have! My guess is you mean the world to her too.

Starbucks, Subway, Ipad....I must be doing something wrong because the only thing

extra I get from work is more work. Congrats on 21 days! Keep roaring!!!!