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It's a busy hump day! 🐪

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It's another busy day again BUT on the positive side since I'm an EXer I'm not having to stand outside trying to wake up in a plume of smoke slurping down my coffee chainsmoking one yucky {cigarette} after another thinking that I needed them to function which I really really didn't!!! I found out after I got into that good place in my quit that I can function so much better! There's nothing BUT negatives when it comes to the nicotine poison BUT pretty much all positives when it comes to quitting and remaining quit! However It does take time to relearn life without the damned crutch BUT boy oh boy it's most definitely worth once you get through the roller coaster ride of cravings and moodswings and lack of sleep to get to that good place in your quit where you'll realize how much better life is as an EXer! Ourbuddy our pal our Hump day camel George and I wishes everyone a stressfree hasslefree smokefree/vapefree or dipfree day! 








Good Wednesday morning. Some things nice to know we can count on, George & Wednesday.

Baked a Buttermilk Chocolate cake with ganache middle and mascarpone cheese frosting with raspberries. You all can have a virtual piece. I am enjoying getting back to baking since I retired last December. I am going to have to get some bread recipes from you Marilyn as I would like to dabble in bread making

The cake is for going to visit a friend today. We are going to hike a portion of the Ice Age Trail.

Have a great smoke free Wednesday





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That cake looks A-Mazing!  YUM!


Looks yummy in here today  (the cake not George).  Good advice this morning @MarilynH .  Took me a while to understand that smoking is what made me anxious.  Smoking didn't actually make me feel less anxious, smoking is what lead to the anxious feelings.  Get rid of the addiction and you will be calmer, hopefully.  Hope you accomplish what you want to today.


We're finally getting some much needed rain YAY! @jonimarie your cake looks scrumptious yum yum yummy! Once things settle down here I'll have to p.m. you a couple of recipes one for white bread that Marks sister makes it's really good it makes 2 loaves and a pan of rolls and I make a shredded wheat bread it takes molasses it goes great with homemade beans or whatever it also makes a couple of loaves and a pan of rolls. My white bread recipe is huge and is in my head but could write it out. 😊🌧


@MarilynH the shredded wheat bread sounds yummy

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....