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It's Been One Week Since You Looked At Me

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Warning rant ahead:

Might be best for you to just skip this one:

So today is day number 7. Yesterday was really hard. I went with my friend to a ceremony he was having and it seemed that EVERYONE at the party was smoking inside. I had to walk out a few times and walk around the building, which I know seems like a loser thing to do, but no one even noticed I was gone and I felt better and didn't smoke. Some people might say, "Well just avoid the situation all together." That wasn't an option. It was very important for me to be there with my friend during this time.

I find it difficult to explain to people that I'm quitting smoking. It seems like some people don't understand. They understand smoking is bad for them and they understand they shouldn't do it, but when it comes down to actually quitting or talking to someone who is quitting it becomes sort of a joke or a game to see if you can get them to smoke. These are the friends that we need to avoid during these times. These are easier to avoid. Just aquaintances or friends of friends.

This was hard. I particularly like hanging out with some of these people and it sucks that I can't just, you know, be myself and try to be healthier without them or their friends trying to get me to smoke. I don't know how to blow them off when they invite me places and I don't want to damage my relationship with my actual friends in the process of becoming a healthier individual.

Actually, that happens to be one of the hardest things for me to do. Telling people no. When invited to go somewhere, unless I have other definite plans, I can't lie and make up something. I just can't do it. These are my close friends I'm talking about. I'm not talking about the random aquaintance. I guess my close friends should understand why I can't come or won't come and I could just be honest with them and say I can't handle being around you/your friends right now. I guess my second weakness is just letting it go. It is hard to watch all the pictures being posted of my friends together having fun and doing things we always do and me not being there..... its only been a week.... I have several different circles of friends... I guess I'm just a social butterfly. I don't know what to do. Anyway enough blabbering.

Here watch this GIF it will make your day