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Share your quitting journey

It is OK to...... whatever!

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In less than 24 hours I will have my first year behind me! I do not think I have pissed anyone off lately, so I am going to drag out my soap box!

There are people who tell you about how they quit and lived happily ever after! Good for them! I have reached for that goal! It is not for everybody! Some folks can be happy just by saying they are! That is not everybody! I am a very good salesman, BUT I can't sell that! You may not all be able to make yourself happy just by saying you are! If that were possible we would not need this site!

Some people will tell you that they just laughed their cravings away! And maybe some of you can! I sure could not! Most folks do not find humor in their own brains trying to convince them to destroy themselves!

I have questioned the chemicals in cigarettes! I wondered here at the site if they were keeping me alive! I proclaimed with some certainty that they were keeping me sane! That is probably more in question tonight than ever before!

The point that I am trying to make people, is that this is not some walk in the park! If you are struggling, that is OK and it is normal! Just because you are not happy does not mean you are doing it wrong! If you wake up and are affraid to open your eyes because you might be in jail, that is OK! As long as you are not! It is OK to rant and rave and be unhappy! You are breaking an addiction, not graduating from Charm School! You are fighting for your very life. That is not always pretty! But it is a fight you can win! Learn from the mistakes of others ! You do not have a long enough life to make them all yourself! There are lots of people here who will help you! Use us! The one thing I am absolutely certain about is this! No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care! I care about everyone of you who are seeking freedom! I will drive the train at this railroad to freedom. All aboard!! And bring your extra baggage! We will help you sort it out!         Tommy