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Share your quitting journey


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Sadly, many of us who smoke or smoked sickerettes did so to self-medicate depression, anxiety or other mental health issues, There are two parts to that story. 

Part 1 - We face our own set of challenges in quitting smoking with chronic mental health challenges.

Part 2 - We face a vast set of problems that need new and different coping skills once we have launched our Quit Smoking Journey.

And fortunately there are a ton of skills readily available if we can just learn to use them.

As for me, I have struggled for literally decades to maintain a stable life and these last 51/2 Years to do so Smoke FREE! I have tried my best to share and care here and to give hope to all of us that although Smoke FREE Living isn't paradise, it is a much better alternative to smoking no matter what our circumstances!

But I'm just at a place where S.A.D. aka seasonal depression has gotten the best of me. I can't come up with one meaningful word to say. I have become irrelevant and honestly, unnecessary (superfluous and expendable.) I know that it's my depression talking but it doesn't change the thoughts and feelings to recognize that I am where I am - wading through an ocean of molasses, barely able to slog out the next step. 

So do I regret having forfeited with my little "coping skill" of smoking my brains (and lungs out?) 


All that left me with was chronic depression + COPD = Even more reason to be depressed!

And a whole lot of caring BecomeanEX Family and Friends who have the heart to visit my message board and tell me that I'm missed! Thank You ALL for that! You are my lifeline at the moment while I slosh around in the mush and find my way out once again!

Will I be OK? Yes,,,,,I have tenacity! But meanwhile I have been doing what I often recommend:

Self Care, Self Care, Self Care!

And I know you all will be just fine without me for the time being. Carry on and I'll see you on the other side of this cesspool I'm currently in!

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1