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Share your quitting journey

Im Still trying my best to Quit!!!!!!!

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No I havent quit completly! Im just trying. Dont listen to me  when I get sidetracked or confused about something HELP ME? No Ones Perfect! Im sorry for anything I said to discourage anyone.Theres No easy way out I KNOW THAT! I been here 2 years and still trying to quit for good.Thanks for listening and being there for me.



unless people saw the blogs you deleted, they wouldn't have a clue as to what you are talking about.

no one's out to get you or make you feel bad.

we want you to have what we have but
you have to decide you want it and not be willing to compromise.

trying is not deciding.

erasing all your blogs doesn't kelp anyone know about your journey so they know how to help you.

and I may have responded somewhat differently (and on your blog) had you allowed comments.

as it was, i was trying to do damage control.

how can we help you quit?

we can encourage you but this is about believing you can do it.

1. if you don't believe you can do it, you won't.

2. you must be encouraged by your little victories to keep your quit alive and growing.

if you can do both those things, you will succeed but, it has to start with you and you have to stick with it.


Barbara, have you taken the course at and done the readings on  If not, please do.  Understanding what is happening in your body when you stop giving it nicotine is the key to making your quit easier.  For example, the nicotine in your body was constantly putting sugar into your bloodstream.  When you stopped giving your body  nicotine, your body has to learn to do this on its own.  So, you have to train it.  You do that by eating a little bit every couple of hours.  If you don't do this, you get sleepy when you don't want to, can't sleep when you do, and get grouchy and irritable.  If you learn about how the nicotine works and what changes your body goes through when you stop giving it nicotine, and what to do to ease you through those changes, your quit will be much easier.  If you really, really want to do this, and don't want it to be such a hard thing to do, then you have to learn how to do what works. 

I knew for years that I wanted to quit, but didn't think I could ever do it and was waiting for the right time.  The right time never seems to get here.  Then I discovered this website and did the readings and I was ready even before my quit date.  I learned to listen to my body and did what I needed to do to make this as easy as possible because I did not want to be a pain in the butt to my husband or family or friends and didn't want to gain a lot of weight.  So, I found what worked for me from all the suggestions that the readings and the blogs and comments on this website gave me.  That's what we all have to do, find what works the best for us.

I thought about using the e-cig, too and when I asked about it, someone on this site said something like, "Why would you want to walk around with a stick in your mouth?"  I didn't consider it anymore after that.

I decided to go cold turkey because I couldn't see myself prolonging the withdrawal with nicotine replacements when the nicotine is out of your system in 3 days.  The rest is dealing with your physical changes, mental attitude, and changing your habits.

I suggest that you start over.  Do the readings, really think about why you want to quit, and then set another quit date if you really want to do this.

If I can do this, anyone can, and I'm now on day 86 and am amazed that I made it this far.  It hasn't all been easy, but it  hasn't been as hard as I thought it was going to be and the days have flown by.  If you really want to do this, then all you have to do is finally make the decision to do it and get it done.  Follow the suggestions of the experts on here on how to get through the rough times and you'll be successful.  Keep reading the blogs and comments and you'll find that there are a lot of caring people on this site who just want to help everyone have the successful quit they know everyone can have.


Barbara, I also want to help you because I know what you are going through as I have been there.  I smoked 54 years of my life and tried for seven to quit and that was the problem, I was just TRYING to quit.  Once I found the EX site and did the reading I needed to do I became smoke free.  That was 2 years ago.  You need to make a commitment to NO SMOKING  for any reason.  I had never commited to quitting and until I did I always failed.  I also used NRT but only very little as I did not want to be hooked on it.  I do not mean to be harsh but until you educate yourself and COMMIT to quit(you have not commited yet) you will not suceed.  Using NRT is alright but it must be used a an aid not used instead of smoking to continue to feed the nicodemon in you.  I will help you anyway I can because I know it is not easy.


Your both right. Im going to start all over.I need to quit the e-cig completely. and the nicotine adiction I got to quit the nicotine and hand to mouth habit, I keep thinking its the cigarettee but its really the nicotine too.Its like really kicking two habits the cigareete and the nicotine. Thank You


hey im in same boat dont give up sounds like u really want to just dont give up read and learn all you can and go back and do it again 



 missed the blog you are referring to but I do know the people here want to help you.  WeWe want to help you any way we can.  As long ss you are just trying you will not be successful as I wasn't all those years when I just tried.  I didn't think I could quit until I read Allen Carr.  Know that you can if you think you can.  Since you are still here I believe you really want to quit and in fact can quit!  f I could just convince you!  I know you will be successful one day.


Barbara, we are all happy to encourage and support but if you really want this site to be useful, if you REALLY want to quit, you have to listen and trust the people who are here!


Heres hoping for success on your journey, Barbara! If you want to do it, you will do it, we are here to help you! Be strong and have a happy day!     Mary


You CAN quit. Read the Allan Carr book - it's amazing. The short videos and readings on are super-motivational. If you do these things, I believe you will realize that the e-cig is not really a solution. In my opinion, the E-cig was invented for people who wanted to be able to "smoke" in public places where smoking is not allowed. I don't think it was ever intended as an aid in quitting. That's probably why it is NOT helping you.

We will all be here for support. You don't really need to "want" to quit. You only need to know you can and believe it. We're pulling for you!

Start here:


 Make friends with SmokedOut and Owlfeather!  They know how to persevere to get what they wanted.  And now they have it.  Go to their pages and read every one of their blogs. 

Look up the definition of the word persevere.