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I think it's going to happen this time!!!

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Seven days into quitting it seemed as if the cravings would never end or even get better. Must say FINALLY by day 9 or 10 they got MUCH better/easier - we were still using the step-1 patches however. Decided to try go off the patch entirely and start working on removing all nicotine from body. Now 48 hours w/o patch. It's been bumpy at times but not unbearable - just want to be nicotine free SOOOOOO bad!!

After smoking a pack+ a day for 30 years, I think I can now say it's OVER. I realize the work and effort to remain QUIT isnt over, but DO now realize for the first time ever I CAN (and AM!) surviving and feeling great going into week #3 as a true non-smoker.

For all you out there, PLEASE hang in there!! It DOES get easier!! Week #1 even with the patch was brutal, but hey, if I can do it anyone can!!


Good for you!  COngratulations on your stats  - you are doing great!  Love your attitude also!  Keep it up but remember to protect it at all times!


Hi there! Glad you found the blogs! Great quit!! It sounds like it is FOR SURE happening!! I smoked for 40 years and have quit for almost 7 months - so - you really can do it! Thanks for the blog and reminding newbies that it does get better!


You are doing great!


You are more than surviving you are doing great!  Love the Quit!


You have to be proud. Keep that momentum going and you will survive. Watch out for the bumps in the road...because they will come..just stay on the road and don't anything throw you off your course! Good luck and Way to go!!


Congrats and keep up the good work. Just remember to always protect your quit. NOPE


Am on day 23. I felt the first week to be hell, too. Had a craving or two today but of course, didn't act upon them. Just put my mind to other things until I forgot about it.

Congrats to you, really, and hope you stay quit. Like to see others who  quit more or less at the same time as I did and are still holding the course!

Come back often. Want to know how you're doing!


You can duuu eeeet! smash those friggen' butts in! 


Congrats! Keep it up man!


This really does inpire this newbie considering I had a very bad day but I did not give in..but just reading your blog makes me believe even more that it will get easier and good luck to you on your  journey.


You are doing great - you sound like you are really aware of what your body is going through...that's important. Keep your guard up at all times....remember you are stronger than ANY crave !!!  Good job !!!


LadyBug, Diane - you WILL do it!!! Cannot tell you how tempting it's been at times for just "one puff". Let it go, go find something to do for FIVE minutes and it WILL go away! I'm not sure when it will ever stop going away, but most days are better than the previous day, and just KNOWING you CAN beat that craving regardless of how intense or sudden, you WILL beat it.

You will do it, you CAN do it - just take it one craving at a time and BEAT it, one at a time, and before long you'll realize you've beat hundreds of 'em and it finally gets easier 🙂