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I stopped protecting my quit

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well guys the title says it all.......... yes I'm upset with myself !!! how?

I can give you excuse....... after excuse the fact is I just stopped protecting my quit.

so those of you that are new (I was still new myself 16 days) listen to what is said

and NO MATTER WHAT protect your quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK! Lets get back to work!


I want to but, how? this sucks................ do I wait a week ? a day or two?  a month? i don't know how I'm so mad at myself


that depends on you... i needed to develop another plan... i tried the patches... i tracked cigarettes for three days... to see exactly how much i smoked... if your not smoking any then you wont have to track...  i just read and read blogs or anything i could get my hands on to figure out what went wrong... i set new quit date... and i stuck to it.... now i have 101 days..... get back on it.... keep on keeping on... you can do it  it just takes commitment...


If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again! 

Don't give in, giving up! 

You've probably beaten yourself up badly enough about it now but time to put it behind you and start again!

We are all here to help and support you and we all know how tough it is to crack this addiction.  

So chin up and lets try again ok!

Mandi xxx


I did the same thing.  13 days into my quit, I blew it. But I wanted it bad enough to start a new quit the very same day.  Now I'm 18 days smoke free and doing good.  I check in here everyday, several times a day to read the blogs and comments. I read and printed off to read this weekend.  Timing has to be up to you, but you were 16 days without cigarettes, why not use that to your benefit.  Take good care!


The less nicotine you put back into your body the better off you are to start over. Its not always the method you used rather whats between your ears. Accept N.O.P.E. and believe it and get this quit rolling again.


ok we all live and learn if we didnt make mistakes there ould be nothing to fix and learn by right, so ok, are u ready now to start over b/c in all honsty, it dont matter today tomm next month, its all the same, it wont be any easier. so u have to go with what ur feelin is right for u. and stay close to this site, do u no what the trigger was that brought u to the smoke.and also in the future, if ur ever in a weak moment, think b4 u react ok, come here b4 u light up a SICKORETTE, so that somebody here will help walk u threw this, and for urges well, drink water, yoga, ur gona do it, just begin all over agian,also for the next time u wana smoke, just remember how u did this tme and ho bad u felt about it. :))  so, stay strong and stay healthy joanne, if u needme im round .joanne, smoke free 277 days  a 40 yr smoker,2-3 pks aday, w/ stage 4 copd & end emphysema.


I think you have beated yourself up enough.  Now it is time to get back on the wagon!!  Just remember to check and read blogs on here every chance you get.  I know I had to stay away from all areas that I smoked in.  I think I even did not drive other then to work for about two weeks.  It was boring, but it helped me not to smoke.  Just track everything you do with smokes and then try to stay away from these places and situations until you feel safe. 

You can do it and stay strong!!


I've done it so many times before.. and i am tired of letting myself, my daughter down and i am tired of feeling like a failure.  but no more!

 i just finished reading this amazing book that someone posted a link on my blog, and it is AMAZING! please please, READ IT! I just smoked my last cigarette and i vowed that i will be the las one.  I am so excited, so happy!

here is the link:

Allen Carr's book - "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" - free download -


Message me, friend me, i'll be more than happy to talk to any and all of you guys!

Best of luck to all of us 🙂 Have a blessed weekend!!!:):)


I just did the same thing. Felt like crap too. I smoked again for a week and then quit cold turkey. I've been quit now for 7 days and I will never smoke again. It just isn't worth it. Keep going! You can do it!  Set a new date and do it again. And stay with us!


There are many of us who have fallen and gotten back up again more determined and successful than ever.  Me included.  I quit Dec. 1, 2010 then started smoking again due to holiday depression on Dec. 18.  I finally picked myself back up and Jan. 20th, 2011 was my first day of my new life.  I swore I never wanted to go through "Hell Week" again and I haven't.  Twice is two times too many.  You can do this and whatever you have to tell yourself make this your final quit.  Stay close to us and we will use our Angel wings to comfort you in your time of need.  Have a great day and hold your chin up.  You can do this.

Love you bunches,


Well, I dont know what to say. Everyone has said it all. Im very sorry to hear this.

Maybe you can answer one question, what made you smoke?

If you know the REAL and TRUE answer to that, then you can move on.

I have thought of smoking at least 1000 times since my quit...

I dont know what makes me NOT smoke... I just dont!!!

IF I ever fell, Id get right back up, not when or how or whatever, just get back.

read , stay here with us, everyday,

You have courage to post and admit it, that tells us YOU WANT TO STAY QUIT.

Now just stop and think of the reason that took your freedom away and then we can work on that. and keep you quit.

There has to be a reason and I NEED to know... Im comin up on 2 weeks LOL



Bad break. Just checking on your reasons for quitting - still got grandkids? Still want to enjoy that mile-high air? Here's an ancient Chinese secret: just do it. Take one (or all!) of the hands stretched out to you in support, you can do this. Do you want it? Then you can have it.


I hop eyou read the "Free insurance" post, it's about remembering how hard it was in the beginning and not wanting to go through that again, Journaling.

All I can say is Educate , educate, educate and keep learning more, I sent you some great info.

and you can go read on my page, copy and paste the links to stuff.

listen to Joels Juke box at there's a link to it on my page and to some great groups.

I quit to exist! My son told me that and it makes sense. It basic and simple on matter where you are in your smoking career

you never know which cigarette will be the one to cause you coped or emphysema or lung cancer yet alone heart trouble, or other cancers, it's like playing russian roulette with your life.

If aren't sropping fo rhealth reasons than do it for your family, I don't want to make my family cry over a smoking related disease. I carried apicture around of my family for almost 2 years.

quit to exist.

Warm regrds Aztec

I would rather breathe than smoke

smoking doesn't help anything

I don't have to do that to mysefl anymore


Throw them away.....NOW!!!  There is no time like the present.  If you are serious about wanting to get free, there is no good reason to keep smoking.  You can make plans, educate yourself, anything else you may want to have in place to help the process....all while NOT SMOKING!!!!  We make this far to complicated!!!  Toss the smokes, get back on track, and DO THIS!!!!!  You've already proven you you just have to stick with it and not fall prey to the BS excuses next time!!!!  So you failed.....yes, it sucks.....but IF YOU REALL WANT THIS, then it's now time to move on and get it right!!!  



I'm with Connie - let's do this! You took the first step by coming right back now - make it simple - stop smoking!

It is ok. Get up & try again! You can do this. BUT, you have to be 100% ready. YOU have to WANT to quit. My doctor put me on 300 mg of welbutrin (sp) & I swear, if I wasn't on this, I would be back to smoking. It is helping with my anxiety. Not everyone wants to be on a pill, but, sometimes we need help. & I was ok with extending my hand for help. You have plenty of people here that will support you & help you through this. Read / watch some of the videos with people who’ve tried to quit smoking many of time, & finally did after they died with a serious health condition due to cigarettes. I know the stories touched my heart, & made me cry my eyes out. That helps motivate me. Good luck. We are here for you. J You can do this. It is a struggle, yeah it is hard, but the rewards are SO damn worth it!  It DOES get easier. It has a lot to do with your mind. Re-train it. J  Good luck! J


J~nette, Get right back  on your QUIT and PROTECT IT. no excuess, YOU CAN DO IT.


Don't wait another day.  Don't beat yourself up either.  Learn from this.  Sounds like you already have.  What better way to protect that quit then by jumping right back into it.  Just think of it this way.  You're fighting against your opponent Sir Craving.  You let your shield arm down and you got nicked.  Are you just gonna drop the shield and say eff it I give up and in the process get skewered?  Not on my watch!(lol). 

Get that shield back up!  Tighten that defense SOLDIER!  We have an opponent to beat and a mission to accomplish.



We all fall, NOW GET BACK UP!