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Share your quitting journey

I'm still riding the struggle bus.

0 21 330

I'm alternating the patch and nicotine gum. The patch doesn't work too well for me. I will be glad when I don't think about either one.


As long as it feels, you are still early in your quit journey.  Are you keeping a cold bottle of water from which to sip?  Changing up your routines to reduce the associations to vaping?  Staying busy doing things to distract, like a jigsaw, crossword puzzle or computer/phone game?  Remember NOT to entertain those thoughts about vaping - get your mind on something else.  The more you exercise and get a hit of dopamine from that, the less you will be craving it from nicotine.

Hang in there - it DOES get easier - I promise!



Yes, I am drinking water and exercising. I just feel like a slave to nicotine gum now instead of a vape. Thanks


Be careful not to replace one thing with another...when using the gum and/or patch make sure you follow the directions so eventually you can wean off ... keep up the exercise and water...Happy Monday...Vaperlove 

~ Colleen 259 DOF 


Good morning. I am sorry that you are having difficulty.   Quitting smoking/vaping may be one of the hardest things you have to do.  Just remember whatever you have to go through it is worth it.  It takes time to get off of the "struggle" bus and ride a new bus.  Let's call your new bus "challenge".  While you are riding this bus, believe that you will meet the "challenge" of never taking another puff.  Tell yourself that you just "don't do that anymore" even if you have the thoughts.  Tell your addictive brain that it is wasting time trying tp tempt you because you are going to meet the "challenge", No Matter What ! you are not going to smoke.  Say it out loud.  Stay close read some of the blogs.  Find a mentor.  We are here to support you so you can meet your "challenge"/  You can do this because it is doable. Never ever give up.  Educate yourself on the addiction. Believe in yourself.  Deep Breathes

Use the magnifying glass and search topics that you have questions about. Yes, you will think about smoking/vaping, however, you do not have to act upon it. 


You may already know this, but here's a reminder:  The only way to be free from nicotine is to starve the nicotine receptors in your brain. You're still feeding them with the gum and patch. If you can bring yourself to throw them all away you will be on your way to freedom.


That is tough. I know that's true. I'm working my way towards it.Thanks


Or just follow the directions for the NRT.  Many successful quitters here have used various aids to be successful.



I used both the patch and lozenges at 1st. Now, at 3 weeks, I am comfortable (for the most part) with just the patch. I will use the NRT's for the rest of my life if needed to stay off cigarettes. I'm not planning on that though.



You can do this. It's natural to not lean on nicotine--smoking or vaping. If NRT is your route out, follow it to its conclusion. But if in your minds eye you are bargaining with this dependency, holding on to it for dear life--then look for ways to bolster your confidence. Quitting is doable and help is all around you. 


Baby step. 


Alternating the patch and gum serves no useful purpose.  Put on the patch and leave it on (except for sleeping if you desire.)  When you want the gum tell yourself "Wait a while."  Congrats on your decision to quit.


Good to hear from you, I am really sorry that you are struggling so much.  Have you found ways to distract yourself...I get that you are exercising and drinking lots of water...are you doing anything you really like?  Rewarding yourself in any way?  I never did NRT's but I have nothing against decision was made for me, I got so sick that I did not expect to survive.  It WILL get easier, please stay close to the site.  



Welcome, have you read Allan Carr's book "The easy way to quit smoking"?

I have only vaped when attempting to quit smoking, including this quit (over 3 years ago).  The idea was to decrease the level of nicotine, and I was on my way down, when I joined here.  Reading, absorbing everything recommended to me had helped. I was one month not smoking cigarettes, still vaping at the lowest level of nicotine, when Dale told me "vaping is just smoking with a battery", and while mad at his remark, I saw the truth in his words.  The next day I packed away all the stuff used for vaping, and just stopped smoking all together.  But the reading, the coming here, the listening to the elders really helped.

Hoping a little piece of my history with quitting might resonate with you, I hope you'll stay, learn, and quit with all of us!


How are you doing?


Exactly why I am struggling.


Just ok. I am using nicotine gum and I think I will just use the patch when I run out. I had bought the lowest level of nicotine for the patch. Apparently, I underestimated that level. Thanks for asking.


Stay close by.  Bookend your days here.  Come here when are having problems. One day at a time. How many smoke free days do you have?  Do you notice any changes?. What are you doing for distractions?


I think it's around 30 days. I have an exact quit date listed somewhere. My lungs don't hurt from vaping and my blood pressure has went down. I'm on blood pressure meds, runs in the family. I don't really know what to do for distractions. My 23 year old son just moved back home, that is a definite distraction, lol. I have still been exercising and drinking more water. That's about it. Thanks for asking.


/blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2013/02/25/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoke?sr=search&searchId=8822...‌.  I stayed busy by organizing closets, drawers, exercise, walking, coloring books.



Thankyou, this definitely helps!