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I'm ready to start again!

0 13 37
MARCH 15, 2009

O.k. here I am again! Needless to say, I failed. Quit date is set for April 1st. Starting the program all over again.

This time I am going cold turkey. I had such a terrible reaction to the patch. I had squares all over my body with tons of tiny blisters on them. It burned and itched something awful. But, I wasn't smoking, so I kept using them till I thought I was going to lose my mind. It was not good. I'm pretty sure I was allergic to them, but I was not smoking, so I kept using them. It was very bad. I wanted to quit so bad.

So...I believe I need to not use anything and get all the nicotine out of my system.

I'm starting the plan today. Going thru the whole thing again. Maybe it'll stick this time.

It is very embarassing for me to come back here, but here I am. I have COPD and I can tell it is acting up again and it is hard for me to breathe. You would think getting put in the hospital would make me stop. I don't want to go thru that again. So here I am again.

I need support, I am so weak, it is ridiculous. I went yesterday to buy my weekly carton and was shocked that they had gone up $10 a carton. But, did I say no thank you? Nope, bought them anyway and cried on the way home that I had the nerve to waste that kind of money. How can I continue to allow something to control me that way?

I have smoked for 20 years. I think enough is enough! I am pissed.

And the separation begins.....
Congratulations on coming back. I once quit for 12 years and then had a monster relapse. I'm now quit for over 520 days. I also tried the patch and had the same reaction to it that you did. I used Chantix to quit and it worked like a freaking miracle for me. You may want to ask your doctor if this is something you could use... if you have insurance and COPD it may be covered.

We all know why some things work and others don't . The actions with a PLAN have the best chance of all... so work on having a solid plan for this cold turkey quit. Be prepared to do things to distract yourself including snacking, napping, walking, blogging here and anything else that you can do.

Once you begin to break the smoking cycle and habits it actually does begin to get better. You CAN do it... but let's NOT think "if" you do it. In my mind, thoughts BECOME things. So, let's say "when" you do this. Good luck... just think, by this time next month you'll be a non-smoker. COOL!
Thank you so much! I am going to quit! I don't have insurance and have a tendency towards depression, so can't take Chantix. This time I am going to do it. Do you know how to get a counter. I want to count down to my start date and then start the stopped smoking count up!
you can do this, just do this peace!
Thank you barbara, I can do this!
Just click on one of the counters you see on people's pages and it will show you the website it came from. Then follow the instructions to load it to your page. 😃
Try to get the Allen Carr book if you want to go cold turkey. The best part is he tells you to keep smoking while you read the book. It really is helpful.
you can do it...remember 72 hours and nicotine is out of your system and then itt's the habit of smoking for various reasons of why we smoke is what we have to break...we can do this togetther...this site has saved me from lighting up alot!!! so when you want one come here and type away:)
I'm glad you are back! I also have COPD and also was hospitalized and nearly died. I'm using patches, because I did cold turkey and I was so sick, I had to go the ER several times. They are working for me, but I understand what you are saying. Here are some things that might help before your quit date. If you smoke in your home, clean it and get the smell out, quit smoking in there before your quit date. Quit smoking in your car if you do before your quit date. Try to not do what you have always done before the actual date and your triggers won't be so bad. If you have coffee and a smoke try not doing it before your quit date. These are things that helped me, maybe they will help you too. Remember we are here for you and we are all in this boat together!.
hi Darlene,
glad you're back on here and willing to make a new start. perhaps cold turkey is the way to go for you. i suggest you ask your Dr is any of the other NRT, nicotine replacement therapies, would work for you. maybe the gum or the lozenges. worth a try. i smoked almost 40 yrs! YIKES!
you said that the carton you bought cost $10. where do you live? cartons in WI are about $40 and packs are $5. yes, it will be nice to save the money but the most important issue is your HEALTH. we are here to offer suggestions and cheer you on. just keep checking in here every day.
The cartons have gone up $10 a carton. That's $36 per carton before tax. And I agree with you, health is the number 1 issue. Thank you all for your support. I plan on being in this site a lot. I need lots and lots of help.
Gee, I remember when cigarettes were $10.00 a carton. That's when I started smoking. You can quit, and we are there to help you every step of the way. I tried Zyban and the patch in the past. I think this time with the right attitude and Chantix and having read Allen Carr's book the "Easy Way to Stop Smoking", and having this site for support I finally have this thing licked! You can do it.
sooooo glad you're trying again and i'm very proud of you! i know you can do it -- if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. i love you!
Hello Darlene, It is great that you came back here. That is what this site is for. Just think about something Peggy posted the other day. You do not want to say you are "trying" to quit, you just want to say you are quitting. Done, final, Not One Puff Ever. Good luck and just know YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!