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Share your quitting journey

I;m on my way

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I just joined this site after seeing it on I read these blogs, I find that I am everyone of you...we are all alike when it comes to smoking.....WELL.Please.get last smoke was nov. 19th, which was the smokeout day, and I didnt plan it that way...I started chantix, and kept smoking, but I was trying to be aware of my cravings..Its so wild how many times I would think about smoking.. I stayed on the med... smoked,  but was telling myself only 3 or 4 today.  I was only giving in at the worst times.. I didnt have a set sate to quit, just doing it at my own pace.. I would beat up on myself mentally, Then tell myself it would be ok... Dont beat yourself up... Put your smokes where you cant see them all the time,  and NO smoking in the house.  Finally it just got easier for me.. I never thought I could do it..go a whole day without.but I did..and if you slip it is ok... i still have smokes in my drawer so I dont feel like im without...Im am 48..OMG 49 next month!! ( that just did hit me) im 49, I have smoked since 6th grade.. I remember getting caught in middle school.. Smokes have been my whole life for all these years.  They controled me, and I cant believe how something as simple as a smoke, can control your whole life... Im sorry, Im babling along here cause I have so much to say, but cant type that fast!!! CHANTIX is the easiest way.. If your ready, start the meds. and you CAN do this. I feel free...................