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Share your quitting journey

I'm not in any danger of smoking, but could use some support.

3 14 230

I am dangerously depressed. Like, forgetting my meds, not showering, eating, or sleeping, and not finding joy in the stuff I usually find joy in. The sunshine is helping a bit, and I managed to drag myself out for long walks the past few days, but even that is not getting me out of this pit I am spiraling into. I can see it happening, and know I'm not powerless, but at the moment am just out of ideas and resources.

Currently listening to lo-fi with my sick cat in my lap. What are you all up to?

About the Author
Hi, my name is Staci and I was a serial quitter for many, many years. I had my last puff in July of 2020. I live in Portland, Oregon with my parents. My cat died of lymphoma in February 2023. I suffer from Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar type, so if anyone wants to chat about quitting and mental health, drop me a line :)